Wiki needs to be updated for building from git

  • To: LibreELEC Wiki maintainers

    Can someone please update the Wiki for building LibreELEC from source.

    The following entries for building for RaspberryPi1 (the target I am building for) is incorrect and throws an error.

    In LibreELEC Wiki as of 16/04/2017:


    This should be:


    If you don't include the new "DEVICE=" field the build script throws an error.


    # This will throw an error
    PROJECT=RPi ARCH=arm make image

    # This works for RaspberryPi1 Target
    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi ARCH=arm make image

    I haven't tested the other combinations/targets.

    Please update the LibreELEC Wiki so that it shows the current syntax for the different targets.

    Link to out-of-date page:

    Compile - LibreELEC

    Thank you for your assistance.

  • J876

    Please (if you like) feel free to create a Wiki account. So you are able to contribute. We always love to get some help regarding to contributions on our wiki. ;)

  • I have Raspberry Pi 3. Ubuntu Desktop 16.04.02 LTS

    PROJECT=RPi DEVICE=RPi2 ARCH=arm make image <--- using this code does not work for me on 8.0.1 version. It gave me error as "please specify your Device." However, it works if i compile on Master, version 9.x

    I can only use this code to compile 8.0.1, PROJECT=RPi2 ARCH=arm make image

    Just wondering any different between the two codes? Thanks

  • Hi,

    What is the purpose of "rm -rf /home/user/.ccache-libreelec/" in step #9? thread-7848.html

    Per Mod Klojum, " LibreELEC has no "/home" folder to begin with. So I'm not sure what you are trying to achieve with deleting a totally non-existent folder and its subfolders."

    Thank you for taking the time to write in wiki. It's very helpful.

  • ccache is compiler cache which speeds up recompilation. In your case it is /home/Eva/.ccache-libreelec.
    But in master branch this folder is inside build folder (build.LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.0-devel/.ccache for example). Seems another thing to fix in wiki.
    Ccache folder in master is build.LibreELEC-..........-9.0-devel/.ccache. It is good to remove it when some kernel is bumped or if some package doesn't build but on previous build it was.

    Edited once, last by vpeter (April 27, 2017 at 8:06 PM).