Seeing/hearing infrequent audio drop out (I'm using passthru HDMI to optical to an amp) with both local and streaming media and when I paid attention to why (for local media to eliminate any network latency), I saw this kinda noise in the log.
I cleared the cache, restarted and switched on debug, but haven't been able to recreate it since.
I googled but there a reason for the ErrorAdjust messages that I should go look at to stop this from coming back? It's only started happening since I upgrade from 7 to 8.
21:39:20.130 T:1962487808 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync 12025847 (+9)
21:39:20.506 T:1105392544 DEBUG: CDVDClock::ErrorAdjust - CVideoPlayerAudio::OutputPacket - error:-14754.052865, adjusted:-14754.052865
21:39:21.509 T:1105392544 DEBUG: CDVDClock::ErrorAdjust - CVideoPlayerAudio::OutputPacket - error:-13341.581003, adjusted:-13341.581003
21:39:24.519 T:1088615328 DEBUG: Overlay: x:802 y:868 w:314 h:56
21:39:30.594 T:1088615328 DEBUG: Overlay: x:611 y:814 w:697 h:101
21:39:42.732 T:1088615328 DEBUG: Overlay: x:719 y:867 w:483 h:57
21:39:45.006 T:1088615328 DEBUG: Overlay: x:588 y:813 w:747 h:111
21:39:49.867 T:1088615328 DEBUG: Overlay: x:535 y:868 w:848 h:56
21:39:58.601 T:1088615328 DEBUG: Overlay: x:839 y:868 w:240 h:56
21:40:04.861 T:1088615328 DEBUG: Overlay: x:683 y:813 w:556 h:111
21:40:08.436 T:1088615328 DEBUG: Overlay: x:594 y:813 w:731 h:111
21:40:25.024 T:1571386272 DEBUG: VPN Mgr : (Linux) Checking VPN task with pidof openvpn
21:40:25.160 T:1930425248 NOTICE: CAESinkPi:AddPackets Underrun (delay:0.00 frames:512)
21:40:25.161 T:1962487808 DEBUG: CRBP::WaitVsync no vsync 12029750/12029751 display:10000010(10000010) delay:0
21:40:25.162 T:1962487808 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
21:40:25.163 T:1962487808 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync 12029751 (+-1)
21:40:25.225 T:1962487808 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync 12029751 (+11)
21:40:25.680 T:1105392544 DEBUG: CDVDClock::ErrorAdjust - CVideoPlayerAudio::OutputPacket - error:-20354.540678, adjusted:-20354.540678
21:40:26.682 T:1105392544 DEBUG: CDVDClock::ErrorAdjust - CVideoPlayerAudio::OutputPacket - error:-11761.928512, adjusted:-11761.928512
21:41:30.185 T:1571386272 DEBUG: VPN Mgr : (Linux) Checking VPN task with pidof openvpn
21:41:30.323 T:1930425248 NOTICE: CAESinkPi:AddPackets Underrun (delay:0.00 frames:512)
21:41:30.383 T:1962487808 DEBUG: CMMALRenderer::RenderUpdate - vsync 12033661 (+10)
21:41:30.854 T:1105392544 DEBUG: CDVDClock::ErrorAdjust - CVideoPlayerAudio::OutputPacket - error:-19414.776961, adjusted:-19414.776961
21:41:31.856 T:1105392544 DEBUG: CDVDClock::ErrorAdjust - CVideoPlayerAudio::OutputPacket - error:-10858.406876, adjusted:-10858.406876