Try installing to sd card as recommended

[8.0.2c] LibreELEC 8.0 builds for KIII Pro (S912)
afl1 -
March 29, 2017 at 10:31 AM -
Thread is Unresolved
So you don't know it if it works? It's very discouraging
Android works very well but:
1) Kodi auto refresh rate does not work
2) choppy
3) have to use 2 apps - for TV and other
I wont try anything same or worse
If you install to sd, Android is not affected
I know! But why to try anything same or worse???!! Unless someone kindly answers me if it works
Because it's probably a better idea to try it for yourself and see if it works well for your needs, than to wait for someone to "kindly" give you an answer whether it works or not.
It's also very likely to take a lot less time than to wait for someone to reply.
And in addition, LibreELEC 8.0.2 is ancient, and you should install something newer.
The Coolest something newer? So what kind of Kodi should I install?
[INDEX] LibreELEC community builds for Amlogic
[] LibreELEC Kodi Krypton - S905 & S912 devices
these all contain newer builds.
Please read the instructions on how to install. Then perhaps post questions in the relevant thread.
LibreELEC 9 beta version for KIII Pro based on GDPR-2 LE
You can use it for other S912 devices. You need only replace dbt.img and add /storage/.config/remote.conf.
Release Notes:
- Kodi Leia 18.0-Alpha1 g055f6ee;
- TVH from repository doesn't work. You have to install;
- pvr.hts, pvr.iptvsimple and pvr.vuplus are preinstalled;
- Samba 4.7.1;
- fix for audio stall detection
Sources: GitHub - afl1/ at 8.90.2
please share dbt.img