Add-on repositories/installation via SSH

  • Hey all,

    New to Kodi and LibreELEC in general; currently running on an ancient Raspberry Pi 2011 (have Pi 3 on order).

    I'm just trying to familiarize myself with Kodi and how it works. Seems very Linuxy with the adding of repos and the package management.

    The Chorus2 interface doesn't seem to allow the addition of repositories or the downloading of ZIPs that I can see and having a keyboard hooked up to my Pi by the TV is not really comfortable for any stretch of time, so ideally I'd be able to add repositories and download/install ZIPs via SSH/shell.

    I'm really comfortable on the command line, so editing text files doesn't scare me at all, but I don't know if this is a supported method (i.e. will a text file be overwritten by Kodi routines/processes and/or the changes won't apply without executing a command, restarting Kodi, etc.).

    I googled around for "Kodi via SSH" and most of it is just Linux 101 commands, and not really Kodi specific.

  • It might work (ie there might be a way but I don't know what it is!) but it won't be 'supported'. An alternative would be to install dispmanx vnc from the libreelec repo, VNC viewer or similar on your pc and type away.

  • To install addons from ssh:
    1. unzip the addon in /storage/.kodi/addons/
    2. systemctl restart kodi

    I am not sure that the dependencies will be honored, though

    Won't work on krypton - they'll install but won't be enabled. And dependencies aren't honoured (even before krypton).

  • That'll work and honours dependencies (I use it from a script, not ssh, but same difference I guess). VNC still sounds a lot easier / less messy though, unless you're installing a ton of stuff.

  • It might work (ie there might be a way but I don't know what it is!) but it won't be 'supported'. An alternative would be to install dispmanx vnc from the libreelec repo, VNC viewer or similar on your pc and type away.

    Yeah, this sounds like the least painful and pretty sure VNC supports copy/paste (text, for URLs, etc.).

    Would be cool to develop an apt-get like model where you can add repos to a sources.list file and then just apt-get install <addon>.