TV 4k + LE8.0.1 + stutter

  • Hello

    Since when I bought tv samsung 4k EU55KS7000 I still have trouble stucking movies. When playing movies or live TV, stuttering often occurs. When I changed the resolution to 1920x1080 25.02Hz the vibrations disappeared but the movie is blurring. Is there any cure for this?

  • Hello.
    Thanks for your message.

    This is my HTPC

    Intel pentium G3250
    Gigabyte B85M-HD3
    4GB RAM
    Geforce 630 GT
    Dvbsky S952

    Libreelec 8.0.1

    I also purchased a geforce 1050 graphics card and it is also a problem. At 4k resolution and full hd.
    I have also checked also on the intel graphics card and similarly. It looks like you do not want to get along with TV with HTPC

    The old tv full hd works smoothly at 1920x1080 / 60Hz
    My TV is 120Hz.
    Maybe there is a problem here? The Libreelec has no 120Hz option. I have read that it should also support 24Hz, 50Hz, 60Hz.

    Edited once, last by kowalmisiek (March 27, 2017 at 10:47 AM).