compile tvheadend addon...

  • I'm looking to improve the tvheadend genres for the US and would like to test by using the tvheadend addon for LE.

    I've cloned the LE source and can compile the current version of tvheadend (7.0.2 - tvh version 4.1.1945) that is in LE, but what do I need to change/run in order to make changes to the tvheadend source and then recompile? I made changes in the src files of the extracted tvheadend42-5374573 folder but I can't seem to get a compile with those changes.

    Do I need to change the tvheadend source in the file to my own fork of tvheadend? Or maybe just create a patch?
    And what commnd do I run to allow the compile to rerun and overwrite the previous output?
    BTW - I am running this in Ubuntu 14.04 and compiling for RPi2/3.

    Thanks for the help and if this post belongs in the development section - please move it!

    • Official Post

    You need to create a "patches" subfolder in the package folder, then add "diff -Naur" patches to that folder in <package_name>-<package_version>-001-name-of-change.patch format. The numbering decides the order that patches are applied. The default package sources will be unpacked and your patch-set of changes will be applied before the package is built. Have a look at other packages; there is no manual for the LE build-system but it is full of prior art

  • You need to create a "patches" subfolder in the package folder, then add "diff -Naur" patches to that folder in <package_name>-<package_version>-001-name-of-change.patch format. The numbering decides the order that patches are applied. The default package sources will be unpacked and your patch-set of changes will be applied before the package is built. Have a look at other packages; there is no manual for the LE build-system but it is full of prior art

    Thanks I will take a look and decipher! I find it fun to dig into previous work so I'll give it a go.

    I do wonder if there is a way to setup a build like CvH does for the tvheadend nightlies that would pull from my own github version. MIght make submitting changes back to tvheadend easier.

    • Official Post

    All you need to do is change the PKG_URL value and githash for PKG_VERSION in the add-on to pull from your own clone of the Tvheadend repo. If you are intending to fiddle with things long-term you should always be working in your own clone of a repo as this gives you control over the changes you fetch/merge into your local branches. If you blindly trust whatever we (or Tvheadend) people do upstream with a direct clone of our repo and "git pull" we'll eventually do something that wrecks your local changes :)