OSMC - Vero 4k = X96 (S905X) + wlan ac ? OSMC on Android Box?

  • Last week "OSMC" launched the "Vero 4k" player, with their own Kodi OS Version.

    The Vero 4k have 2Gb Ram & 16GB Rom with 100 Mbit Ethernet and Wlan ac.
    The chipset is a S905X and the Ports + Design is the same like a X96 Android TV.

    I downloaded the image from OSMC and will try to boot it from microSD.

    Anyone have some infos about the "Vero 4K" and it possible, we can get LibreElec or OSMC run on our Android Box ^^

    UPDATE: DTB.IMG is nearly 1:1 between Vero 4k image and our device tree from LibreElec.... unfortunately im already lying in the bed, to try it out.

    UPDATE2: I write the OSMC image on a USB Stick and booted it up in my x96. The OSMC Installer started and give me this Error (cant mount bootfs):

    Edited once, last by kszaq (March 5, 2017 at 9:55 AM).

  • Don't worry, I work closely with Sam (OSMC lead) on sharing both S805 and S905 platform improvements.

    I cannot comment on installing OSMC on generic S905(X) boxes, I have never tried it.

  • Careful... If folks can get a device that is nearly identical to the Vero 4K for 1/3 to 1/2 the price, that might undercut Vero 4k sales. At that point, the only advantage to spending more is helping support further OSMC development and the guaranteed 5 years of support. If the devices are similar enough, any new features introduced for the Vero 4k will also be available for the X96 devices.

  • I wonder does the Vero 4K really run on 1.6 GHz as claimed in specs? I thought Amlogic S905X is supposed to be limited to 1.5 GHz except for Odroid C2 with modified bootloader and kernel (Amlogic S905, S905X, and S912 Processors Appear to be Limited to 1.5 GHz, not 2 GHz as Advertised).

    What would kszaq say?

    Can confirm this does in fact work. I have osmc running on my x96.stock remote needs mapping but otherwise fully functional

    Can you confirm the CPU freq of X96 when running OSMC? Also I'd like to see the heatsink of X96 can you make some photos please?

    Thank you.

  • I tried extracting and even doing an img install on the extract image and I always get the same error, Installation Failed, Broken Hardware.

    How exactly do I setup a SD Card to run the Vero 4k OSMC Image

  • Can confirm this does in fact work. I have osmc running on my x96.stock remote needs mapping but otherwise fully functional

    I'm guessing that this user didn't get OSMC working but LibreELEC...unless they changed the recovery file which most likely is looking for a certain serial number range or something like that to stop the Vero 4k OSMC image being installed on non-OSMC hardware

    Edited once, last by Phily (January 23, 2018 at 3:57 PM).