"System" tab not working (empty) on 7.90.002

  • In the settings when i want to open up the system tab where you normaly can setup the timezone and so on, its empty.

    What have been done:
    Frehsh installation of 7.90.002, installation of german language, reboot, then configuration and i could not get into this settings tab.

  • Language setting is been done as far as i know in in the Libreelec->system tab that is not working any more. I cant change to english any more. And english would be fully unusable for the user of this machine because he cant speak/read english.

  • 7.90.002 is the only Openelec/libreelec software that worked kind of propperly on the hardware. Every version before made much more problems. I would try to change the language to english, do the settings and change it then back to german.

  • I do have similar problems here. I can not open the System settings or Video, Music and so on. The only things that are working right now are TV, Addons and the LibreElec configuration if i remember correctly. The other one´s are just not opening.

    So i guess i cannot change the theme im using or neither the language, because i can not open the menu for it.

    Is there a fix coming for this?

  • 7.90.002 is the only Openelec/libreelec software that worked kind of propperly on the hardware. Every version before made much more problems. I would try to change the language to english, do the settings and change it then back to german.

    Hard to comment without knowing what your hardware is. Nevertheless thank you for choosing to test.

  • Sorry for that. I own a NUC.

    Im going to disconnect the CEC adapter and restart LE afterwards in order to see if the language changes and if we may have a problem with german characters like ä,ö,ü.

  • OK did that and it worked. But i had to update my Skin first in order to make it work. So im running Estuary now, had some crashes, but mostly it looks quite good for now.

    Some settings are still in English but i guess that not everything is translated yet.

    Let me know how i can help now and thank you so far!

    CEC plugged in again, all good.