le 8 does not compile/build image

  • i cloned le8 and tried to build for WE2:

    lutz@libreelec:/develop$ git clone https://github.com/LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv.git -b libreelec-8.0 libreelec-8.0
    lutz@libreelec:/develop$ cd libreelec-8.0/
    lutz@libreelec:/develop/libreelec-8.0$ PROJECT=WeTek_Play_2 ARCH=aarch64 make image

    I am getting permissions-errors:

    It's quite weird - the mentioned files are having read-only for the user and are not writeable - it seems that they are created with wrong permissions on cloning/downloading. I tried to bypass this with "chmod ug+w -R libreelec-8.0" on the whole structure - but that ends in other issues on permissions....
    umask ist "0002" - which should be correct - at least when creating a file it gets permissions "rw-rw-r--"

    what is wrong?

    Build-System is Ubuntu LTS 16.04 in VM

  • Can you try to clean and build this package again? And post whole log to pastebin.com.

    PROJECT=WeTek_Play_2 ARCH=aarch64 ./scripts/clean e2fsprogs
    PROJECT=WeTek_Play_2 ARCH=aarch64 ./scripts/build e2fsprogs

    Edited once, last by vpeter (March 4, 2017 at 8:41 AM).

  • Can you try to clean and build this package again? And post whole log to pastebin.com.

    PROJECT=WeTek_Play_2 ARCH=aarch64 ./scripts/clean e2fsprogs
    PROJECT=WeTek_Play_2 ARCH=aarch64 ./scripts/build e2fsprogs

    hmm - yes would like to - i can't reproduce right now - the folder libreelec-8.0 was mounted over nfsv4 - i was suspecting that as a possible reason and copied the whole folder into the home-directory - where the compile than toook a lot longer - but failed with:

  • I would suggest you to remove build folder and build everything again in your home folder. I'm sure it should also work fine over nfs but maybe nfs server had some issues :)

  • Ok - after cleaning up everything and relocating from nfs-share to local home - it worked again - Image built.

    Is it because it is NFS or because the folder wasn't in the home-directory?

    Second Question: if i want to change a single File from Kodi (Bugfix) that is in Master - how to do for LE(?