How to migrate tvheadend settings from 4.0 to 4.2?

  • I have a tvheadend 4.0 configuration that took me 2 days to get completed in past. Mostly because I need to wait hours for scanning, uncheck 1500 useless channels that have been found and re-sorting and so on.

    Now tvheadend 4.2 can be installed on LibreElec and it has some benefits I'm waiting for. However I'd like to know how I can upgrade my old 4.0 settings to 4.2. How can this done? I really do not like to redo all settings again...

  • Got it done.

    1. stop recordings and tv
    2. disable tvheadend 4.0 addon
    3. install tvheadend 4.2 addon
    4. cp -R .kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.multimedia.tvheadend .kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42
    5. Enable tvheadend 4.2
    6. correct cache path in tvheadend webgui

    Edited 2 times, last by marc.bau (November 23, 2017 at 9:30 PM).

  • Got it done.

    • stop recordings and tv
    • disable tvheadend 4.0 addon
    • install tvheadend 4.2 addon
    • cp -R .kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.multimedia.tvheadend .kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42
    • Enable tvheadend 4.2
    • correct cache path in tvheadend webgui

    where is 6 done what page is this on the GUI ?
    any chance of screenshop as my reading is sub par in this would help me expanesialily :)

  • I have Raspberry Pi 3 with LibreELEC 7 installed. Wanted to upgrade Tvheadend 4.0 to 4.2 and keeping all my channel settings, autorec and recordings etc. This is how I did it:

    1. Disable tvheadend 4.0 from add-ons

    2. Install tvheadend 4.2 add-on

    3. Disable tvheadend 4.2 add-on

    4. Make SSH to libreelec and do these:

    rm -rf /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42
    cp -a /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.multimedia.tvheadend /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42
    rm /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/dvr/config/dvr-config

    5. Create file: /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/dvr/config/8d0f5b7ae354d956d7fe5db25f5d0d24 with following contents (had to do this because tvheadend 4.2 did not recognize by existing PVR config and it falls back then do default config which has retention-days not set as "forever" which caused removal of my existing recordings):

    6. Enable tvheadend 4.2 add-on

    7. See file /storage/.kodi/userdata/addon_data/service.tvheadend42/service.log and you should see that Tvheadend should have successfully migrated the old configs to new ones.

  • Remember doing an migration from 4.0 -> 4.2 can create weird bugs/problems, also you probably don't use the new db format that fixes a lot stuff for RPi/SD Card usage. Just to be warned.