[CLOSED]Switch Framerate Little rectangular screen...

  • Hello,

    I've got a problem since I 've moved from Openelec 6.0.3 to Librelec 7.0.1 (updated version) on my rpi2.

    On some xvid media (not all),the framerate is not set at the beginning but 5 or 10 second later...

    Stream starts, plays for a couple of seconds and then switches the TV to the target refresh rate.

    When Kodi doing this, I got a little rectangular screen with a part of the movie and the rest is black...

    I have to display the play menu and then everything is ok.

    This problem not appear when "Switch framerate" is OFF.

    If anyone got idea ?


    Edited once, last by ripp2003 (June 20, 2016 at 8:57 PM).

  • In case of doubt, always provide debug enabled log files:

    Sorry for this noob's oversigh will provide it in a few hour...
    Et voilà :

    After starting an Xvid file, my problem appear
    I can see that framerate is adjusted 10 seconds after lauching the avi file and then screen appear like the photo I've provided

  • Hello

    Here, my log in pastebinit and debug on log


    And info about the media problem in PJ

  • If you have the possibility, could you please test with an OpenELEC 6.95.3 (7.0 Beta 3) to see if the issue appears at this as well.

    OpenELEC 6.0.3 is Kodi 15.x and LibreELEC 7.0.1 is Kodi 16.x. So I'm curious if it's a general Kodi 16 problem or not. And OpenELEC 6.95.3 is Kodi 16.x, too. So it might be worth a test.

    If you want you could also test a LibreELEC 8.0 alpha, which is Kodi 17 then. Maybe it's fixed already in a newer Kodi version.

    LibreELEC alpha for RPi2: LibreELEC-RPi2.arm-7.90.002.img.gz

    As long as you are on LibreELEC you could use the file above directly. You can't upgrade to LibreELEC with that file as long as you are on OpenELEC, because OpenELEC does not accept *.img.gz files to upgrade. But LibreELEC does.

    If none of the versions are working, please share logfiles from any to compare.


  • Remove this from advancedsettings.xml:


    That's not supported on any GL ES platforms.

    Edited once, last by popcornmix (June 20, 2016 at 12:42 PM).

  • Hi,

    * with a fresh install of OpenELEC 6.95.3 so KODI 16 :
    -> No problem
    Here, debug log : ELVd

    * with a fresh install of Libreelec 8 Alpha so KODI 17 :
    -> No problem
    Here, debug log : HOAY

    Juste to make sure
    * with a fresh install of libreelec 7.1.1 so KODI 16 :
    -> NO problem..............................

    So I 'm rebuilding my mediacenter...upgrading from openelec to libreelec wasn't a good idea. Fresh install are finally better.
    I will reinstall my plugins and see what happen.

  • My mediacenter is no rebuilt. Everything is OK.

    No problem with my plugin. Think it was the upgrade process because with a fresh install , it 's OK

    Thanks for the help and sorry for the fasle alert.

    Edited once, last by ripp2003 (June 20, 2016 at 8:57 PM).