v7.95.3 BETA bug reports for Odroid C2

  • What got fixed: (from v7.90.010)
    + Skipping forward or backwards in a video resumes with smooth playback
    + Atmos, DolbyTrueHD, or 4K (with higher level audio) the video playback is smooth
    Unfold g1gbn9k6yR
    Eclipse http://thedigitaltheater.com/wp-content/...heater.mkv
    + stream playback of a particular stream, works with acceleration on
    + Playback appears smooth with testing a few files

    What got broken: (from v7.90.010)
    - Airplay

    What works: (unchanged from v7.90.010):
    + audio sync with passthrough including DTS HD MA, Dolby TrueHD, Dolby Atmos
    + h264 10 bit; h265 4k playback
    + smooth Kodi GUI
    + great CEC integration

    What needs work: (unchanged from v7.90.010)
    - 60 seconds after audio playback is stopped there is an audible click
    - 3D does not auto switch TV; 3D MVC files play back as 2D (I read why 3D is not currently supported - hopefully soon though)

    I did have one time (limited testing) that I skipped almost to the end of a video/movie and the playback hung; I had to press "x" to stop playback and then I was able to resume playback with no issue

    Amazing job team!!! Glad the memory fragmentation issue was resolved

  • Airplay broken What else is new? Happens all the time.
    Audio clicks Needs resolving in AMlogic firmware
    3D auto switch Depends on hardware. Works fine on Raspberry Pi's, not so much on Intel, and C2 apparently. 3D is EOL.
    Hangs in RWD/FFW Should be a Kodi thing IMHO. Please report on their bug tracker.

  • Airplay broken What else is new? Happens all the time.
    Audio clicks Needs resolving in AMlogic firmware
    3D auto switch Depends on hardware. Works fine on Raspberry Pi's, not so much on Intel, and C2 apparently. 3D is EOL.
    Hangs in RWD/FFW Should be a Kodi thing IMHO. Please report on their bug tracker.

    Yes Airplay comes and goes - but it worked so nicely last time ... just a heads up
    Audio clicks - no comment (I don't know the source of the problem but just a report of a long time known issue)
    3D auto switch - Hopefully peak3D's patches will be mainlined eventually - 3D (when a movie is actually true 3D) is impressive; and with stereoscopic VR/stereoscopic augmented reality, 3D may become more mainline
    Hangs in RWD/FFW - good call, I'll try a Windows &/or RPi build to see if the problem is reproducible there and report accordingly

    Edited once, last by thegooddoctor (February 12, 2017 at 4:18 PM).

  • [...]
    3D auto switch Depends on hardware. Works fine on Raspberry Pi's, not so much on Intel, and C2 apparently. 3D is EOL.

    This might be fairly true. But still the media exists and is sold and at least 50% of the blockbusters in cinemas are in 3D. Of course the TV manufacturers killed it since 2017 now, but many of us users and us "community members" do have a lot of 3D Blu-rays bought in the past and have them at home. New media is even released (looking forward to Star Wars Rogue One 3D release), so EOL is not an adequate argumentation, or are you also going to say H.264 support is going to be EOL next year in favour of superiour H.265? XviD/DivX/MPEG2 is also EOL, still every player is supporting it and every developer makes sure that issues with these formats are sorted out before calling it a beta/final build. In fact I never heard somebody say that XviD support or so is not being looked into just because it is end of life. I haven't used XviD and other older formats since 8 years or so and still naturally would not question to integrate it, as it is good that mediasupport is present for media that is and was present once. 3D is compared to that fairly new and many have it @home. Many don't like it or don't have it. However... many simply have the media and it is not ancient or so :/

    While I can understand that MVC might be a hard thing to achieve since the load of changes in krypton (MVC seems to be always almost impossible to integreate on all devices - looking at forum.kodi.tv), I would at least love to see that the TV-Autoswitch into 3D mode would be integrated somehow again, like it was in wrxtasys builds. This would trigger a TV into 3D mode upon starting a simple (2D based) HSBS and HOU movie.

    The last Odroid C2 builds with 3D support were "7.1.0 wrxtasy (october?)" community builds, if I remember it correctly. These had at least an almost fully working autoswitch TV into 3D mode, which made a good compromise (even without MVC, at least then H-SBS, H-OU)
    Original 3D autoswitch code from @koying: SPMC ADD: [aml] Automatic 3D HDMI switch

    @wrxtasy started then to adapt it to libreELEC:
    3D Autoswitch patch: here
    But it might have made compile issues at first, which this patch from @runnerway solved then: here @forum.odroid.com
    Subsequently wrxtasy was able to provide a working 3D build: ODROID Forum • View topic - LibreELEC 7.0.2 - Kodi Jarvis 16.1 - Archived - LE Tips HERE

    It was also MVC capable (half resolution), but it seems to be unrealistic that MVC will ever be possible on post-Jarvis builds again. Even on intel NUCs there is a fork only for the MVC capability, because it isn't possible to integrate it in the official build.
    But please... I beg you to integrate somehow the autoswitch, so that the TV switches into 3D mode automatically like on Raspberry Pi and other devices (this has nothing to do with MVC).

    The impact on usability with 3D TV-autoswitch feature working: No hassle needed with seeing how kodi splits its OSD into 2 parts showing H-OU or H-SBS OSD instead of simply turning TV to the appropriate 3D mode. So you're forced to pick the TVs remote and choose in TVs OSD the correct 3D mode manually, which has then to match kodi's OSD. This is simply not so user friendly and not girlfriend friendly :D:(

    Edited once, last by infinity85 (February 13, 2017 at 11:44 AM).