Managing several version of a movie

  • Hi there,

    I would be interested in a feature that would allow to manage several version of a same movie by having only one librairy entries and then when selecting the movie and hit play, having a dialog box which gives the choice of which version to play.

    Let's say for instance I have a cinema version and director's cut version of a same movie, then having only one librairy entry, and then when hit play select which one I want to see.
    It can be 2D/3D, 1080p / 720p, FR language, EN language (sometimes you can't find multi language file for a movie) etc ...

    I read some post dated one year ago stating that the feature was on dev and will be available in a near future.
    However, since then, no news ...

    Thanks in advance for your feedback.


  • Hi,

    Yes, I 've been asking in several forum and that's the conclusion I came to, you're right.
    The only issue I have is that if I already have movie sets based on the vanilla movie set feature, then it doesn't work.

    For instance, Aliens saga has multiple versions of the 4 first movies, but Aliens is already a movie set.

    However, I can handle by having duplicate entries in the saga and rename it after scrapping in order to get each versions an appropriate more precise name.

    Hi there,

    Appararently, the feature is scheduled to be developped and it's in progress.

    However, the videoextra addon seems to manage it quite well ...

    A good lead to follow.


    Edited once, last by Gui26 (June 5, 2016 at 9:50 AM).