7.90.001 SMB Server

  • Hi there,

    I found an issue in your latest alpha. Beside that everything works fine so far :)

    Version: 7.90.001 Alpha
    Hardware: Raspberry Pi 2

    I did a clean install. The setup asked me whether I wanted to setup a Samba server or not (also SSH server, of course). I tried to disable the Samba server right at the start, but each time after I tried to deselect it it reselects it. I then tried to deselect the option later in the LibreELEC setup addon. I couldn't disable the Samba server there as well.

  • It's not a bug, it's a feature ;)

    The Samba shares are necessary for updating. So you can't disable them (and you shouldn't). But you should enable SSH for your RPi, too. As this might be very helpfull if you get some issues. It's the only way to get a command line.

    So please enable both.

  • The 7.0 release didn't have this feature. Also it's not necessary for updates, I prefer using SSH over SMB to gain access to my Pi. So why would you force this on the user and why give an option to deselect it which doesn't work (confusing)?

  • I never once used the samba share for updating, so to say it's necessary is not correct :) Anyways, if there is an option to turn it off then it should be possible. If not, why include the option? That's misleading and should not be a "feature" in any way.