LibreELEC Krypton/Leia/Agile build for Odroid C2, Rock64, WeTek Hub, WeTek Play2

  • Ok I miss understood apperently. I can not confirm your issues. I'm using 100m network (my router has not enough gigabit ports). No network lack at all. I can watch TVH 1080p live streams, Amazon VOD 1080p, 4K h.265 files from my NAS. My mediaserver + tvh server is a Odroid C2 running Ubuntu with a usb HDD (so it suppose to be way slower than your setup).

    Not sure what the issue is. Wetek Play 2 had strange rare ethernet network failures in official. Maybe something similar here.

  • I can't seem to SSH in to this build, is that password not "le"? I'm trying to update to "b2" version.

    Ignore this post, just saw in settings the password ist "libreelec".

    Edited once, last by mafijozo (February 2, 2017 at 4:30 PM).

  • Yes. It's standard with official LE. Only wrxtasy is using "le"

    Because wrxtasy is a lazy bastard ;)
    I've updated to the "2b" version on my Hub. So far the only problem I had with the beta 2 was that sometimes (rarely) the UI froze and LE reloaded itself after a minute or two. I'll post here again in case I continue to have the same problem with this build.

    Edited once, last by mafijozo (February 2, 2017 at 4:54 PM).

  • After upgrading your last Version on odroid-c2 to LibreELEC 8.0 - Krypton final - media build edition - 32bit cec, IR remote doesn`t work anymore.

    Do you have any ideas ?

  • Not possible. But you should go and ask him.

    Because wrxtasy is a lazy bastard ;)
    I've updated to the "2b" version on my Hub. So far the only problem I had with the beta 2 was that sometimes (rarely) the UI froze and LE reloaded itself after a minute or two. I'll post here again in case I continue to have the same problem with this build.

    Are you using standard skin. I don't like it very much because it's overloaded and slow. I installed confluence skin from the repo. It's faster.

    Edited once, last by GDPR-1 (February 2, 2017 at 9:42 PM).

  • Hi,

    i am using your image with a mysql database, centralized Thumbnails (via pathsubst in advacedsettings.xml) and a mysql server to sync my steaming-clients.

    The image itself runs smooth - all settings dialouges and addon install runs fast and nice.

    BUT: the movje thumbnail view in the start screen is filled, but if you scroll through your movies, covers are missing. Swjtching to the music view shkws no covers on the listed albums. The pvr client starts forever and when it is started, i get no epg data. Steaming itself from vdr and smb share runs smooth again...
    The weather plugin doesnt get any data....

    How could i analyze the problem ? I don`t achieve the problems on wetek or cubox....
    I assume it has something to do with mysql or the shared files (thumbnails, userdata like sources, passwords, playlists,...). And it may be a problem in the movie section, because all following views (music, live tv, weather) are showing the running circlefor pls be patient. The logs are not telling about any errorsdirectly... but i dunno where to look in special.

    Has someone a similar setup and its running ?

    ODROID-C2 with Raybuntu`s Libreelec 8.x
    Cubox i4 Pro with Libreelec 8.x
    Wetek Play with Libreelec 8.x
    ubuntu 14.x lts server with mysql and vdr (nfs and smb shares)

  • I put LibreELEC 8.0 of sd card in a Wetec hub. It seems to be all right. what is the fastest way to put it on nand? I tried using ssh with the installtointernal command but do not go.