Today I use LibreElec on a Raspberry Pi 2. I drive it by a GPIO IR and it work perfectly. I use the GPIO IR because my TV don't have CEC and I hide the Rasp2 behind the TV.
I bought an Odroid C2 to upgrade my HTPC (HEVC especially). I use on it LibreELEC-Odroid_C2.aarch64-7.90.010.img.gz.
I tried to set the GPIO IR (en:c2_lirc [Odroid Wiki]) but unfortunately that don't work.
LibreELEC:~ # modprobe gpio-ir-recvLibreELEC:~ # modprobe gpioplug-ir-recv gpio_nr=249 active_low=1modprobe: FATAL: Module gpioplug-ir-recv not found in directory /lib/modules/3.14.29
Could you info me if you are going to update the kernel for the final release of Kodi V17, or what do I do wrong?