HiFi Berry DAC + supported?

  • Dear Libreelec support,

    I just did a succesfull (clean) installation of Libreelec 7.0.1 and was happy to see airplay (audio) does function (via my TV).

    I'm using a Hifiberry DAC+ soundcard on my RPi2 and this was function well when I used OE 6.0.3.
    So I made the same changes in config.txt but the Hifiberry DAC+ isn't recognised.

    This is added within config.txt:
    dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplusdtdebug=1amixer -c 0 set Digital 80%

    And this is what I found in the log:

    001904.118: dtdebug: Failed to open overlay file 'overlays/hifiberry-dacplus.dtbo'
    001904.130: Failed to load overlay 'hifiberry-dacplus'
    001907.777: dtdebug: /aliaseserial0=uart0
    001910.589: dtdebug: /aliaseserial1=uart1

    If you need more logging I can provide it.

    Hopefully my problem can be solved otherwise I can't switch to Libreelec.

    Kind regards,

    Edited once, last by Trombone (May 26, 2016 at 2:28 PM).

  • This is added within config.txt:
    dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplusdtdebug=1amixer -c 0 set Digital 80%

    Shouldn't that rather merely be:

    According to my system, the hifiberry-dacplus dtoverlay may only take one parameter:

    Where is the remainder (dtdebug=1amixer -c 0 set Digital 80%) documented?
    Also, spaces seem to be missing, eg
    dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus dtdebug=1 amixer -c 0 set Digital 80%

  • Thanks for your comments so far.
    This weekend I will test the settings which Awiouy recommended.

    As another test I upgrade my OE 6.0.3 with Libreelec 7.0.1, leaving the Hifi Berry DAC+ settings as it workes with OE:
    amixer -c 0 set Digital 80%
    Then the Hifiberry worked (with the above config settings).

    I will post teh results.

  • The Hifiberry support team looked at my log file and they came back with the message:

    The overlay file is missing. You need to inform the developers that they need to fix this. Looks like the developers didn't really test the Raspberry Pi release well enough. I would recommend to stick with OpenElec until Librelec is really stable.

    So hopefully the developers will fix this issue as soon as possible.

  • The Hifiberry support team looked at my log file and they came back with the message:

    The overlay file is missing. You need to inform the developers that they need to fix this. Looks like the developers didn't really test the Raspberry Pi release well enough. I would recommend to stick with OpenElec until Librelec is really stable.

    So hopefully the developers will fix this issue as soon as possible.

    They are wrong, the overlay file is included. Make sure you edit the config.txt with an editor that supports linux line endings.

  • The Hifiberry support team looked at my log file and they came back with the message:

    The overlay file is missing. You need to inform the developers that they need to fix this. Looks like the developers didn't really test the Raspberry Pi release well enough. I would recommend to stick with OpenElec until Librelec is really stable.

    So hopefully the developers will fix this issue as soon as possible.

    When I add "dtoverlay hifiberry-dacplus" in /flash/config.txt of my LibreElec 7.0.1, lsmod yields:

    snd_soc_pcm512x_i2c     2051  0
    snd_soc_pcm512x        16309  1 snd_soc_pcm512x_i2c
    snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplus     3652  0
    snd_soc_bcm2835_i2s     5868  0
    snd_soc_core          102747  3 snd_soc_pcm512x,snd_soc_bcm2835_i2s,snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplus
    snd_pcm_dmaengine       2879  1 snd_soc_core
    snd_pcm                66625  4 snd_soc_pcm512x,snd_soc_core,snd_pcm_dmaengine,snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplus
    snd_timer              17221  1 snd_pcm
    snd                    40668  3 snd_soc_core,snd_timer,snd_pcm

    What is your version of LibreElec? If it is 7.0.1, please provide your config.txt and a log; otherwise upgrade.

  • I did put dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus in the /flash/config.txtModule Size Used byfuse 74850 38021q 16074 0bcm2835_gpiomem 2652 0bcm2835_wdt 2777 0snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplus 3588 0snd_soc_core 100158 1 snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplussnd_pcm_dmaengine 2815 1 snd_soc_coresnd_pcm 66018 3 snd_soc_core,snd_pcm_dmaengine,snd_soc_hifiberry_dacplussnd_timer 17428 1 snd_pcmsnd 40540 3 snd_soc_core,snd_timer,snd_pcmLibreELEC:~ #

    I'm usinge LE 7.0.1

    Edited once, last by Trombone (May 27, 2016 at 5:41 PM).

  • I did a fresh install of LE 7.0.1.
    Put dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus (also tested with dtoverlay hifiberry-dacplus) in the /flash/config.txt and rebooted LE.

    Below the results of LSMOD, play -l and vcdbg log msg


    Module Size Used by
    fuse 74850 3
    8021q 16074 0
    bcm2835_gpiomem 2652 0
    bcm2835_wdt 2777 0

    aplay -l

    aplay: device_list:268: no soundcards found...

    vcdbg log msg

    001686.598: Failed to load HAT overlay
    001687.125: dtdebug: Failed to open overlay file 'overlays/hifiberry-dacplus.dtbo'
    001687.138: Failed to load overlay 'hifiberry-dacplus'
    001690.771: dtdebug: /aliaseserial0=uart0
    001693.567: dtdebug: /aliaseserial1=uart1

    Can a hifiberry-dacplus overlay from a OE be copied into my LE install?

    Edited once, last by Trombone (May 28, 2016 at 9:43 AM).

  • 001687.125: dtdebug: Failed to open overlay file 'overlays/hifiberry-dacplus.dtbo'

    This is really odd. Check if the file exists on your installation. Here (LE 7.0.1 on a RPi2) it's there:

    LibreELEC:~ # ls -l /flash/overlays/hifiberry-dacplus.dtbo
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1358 May 17 06:31 /flash/overlays/hifiberry-dacplus.dtbo

    Also please post full logs and better use a paste site for this and then just post the URL:

    LibreELEC:~ # vcdbg log msg 2>&1 | paste

    so long,


  • LibreELEC:~ # ls -l /flash/overlays/hifiberry-dacplus.dtbo
    ls: /flash/overlays/hifiberry-dacplus.dtbo: No such file or directory

    Strange... How did you install LE?

    I just checked the 7.0.1 RPi2 image and the overlay file is definitely in there.

    so long,


  • OK, the install method looks fine, but it's puzzling why you don't have the overlay file there.

    Could you post the list of files in /flash?

    ls -lR /flash | paste

    You could try reinstalling LE via the manual update method (this'll preserve all config settings). Just copy the img file to the "Update" share (or to /storage/.update via ssh/scp) and reboot.
    HOW TO:Update LibreELEC - LibreELEC

    so long,


  • Thanks Hias the update did the job.

    It's reproducable. I did a fresh install on another SD card, there was no overlay foler.
    Updated it and there was the overlay folder including the overlays for Hifiberry.