VPN Manager - ipvanish

  • Ok, ibVPN, IPVanish, ExpressVPN, VyprVPN and TorGuard are all fixed properly in 2.4.3 and should work on regular LE builds as well as the latest beta with the latest OpenVPN version. Repo has been updated too, but if you want to pick it up directly, it's here : Release 2.4.3 · Zomboided/service.vpn.manager · GitHub


    Sorry for the late response, but I'm experiencing problems with authentication when I try to use IPVanish with open vpn manager.

    In Open VPN Manager I've selected IPVanish and then put in my username and password.
    Afterwards I try to set up the first connection, I can select my profile but after that it fails.
    When I look at the logs it says Auth_failed.

    When I try to logon on IPVanish with the credentials it just works.

    What could be the problem here? I've searched already for solutions but none of them worked.

    Here is the output in the kodi log:

    Edited once, last by loo007 (March 5, 2017 at 2:10 PM).

  • Are you on the latest version?
    You might need to go to setting/utilities/reset ovpn files before trying to connect too

    Yes I'm on the latest version. I've downloaded your zomboided repository and then installed vpn manager

    I already tried to reset ovpn but it does not work.

  • Cert hasn't changed since the last time I changed it (I just checked). ovpn files look the same. Servers appear to be largely the same (I didn't check all of them). And your system time/date looks ok. I don't know what to suggest beyond you trying to connect using the command line with their ovpn files to eliminate what I'm doing in the add-on and then contacting their support.

    Can we use this thread for VPN Mgr issues please

    Edited once, last by zomboided (March 6, 2017 at 9:24 PM).