Possibility install .apk from Android on Kodi platform ?

  • I have no idea where you're going, but Kodi is an standalone application with its own addon 'store'.
    Android .apk's have nothing to do with Kodi, or with LibreELEC for that matter.


    I expected this, but it was only a question. I don't know, maybe it's available app in Kodi store which can install apk's from android inside. It's only question.

    Thanks and sorry :)

  • Android is an OS. Kodi is an application running on an OS. You are able to buy an Android based box and install kodi on it. While running Android as an OS you are ofc able to install apk files. But this all has nothing to do with Kodi itself. Those are completely different things.

    And for the note. That all has nothing to do with LibreELEC ;). As LibreELEC is an OS (Linux based) as well, which ships Kodi.

  • As an apk is just something like a zip file, it would be possible to unpack it on LE. So an "installation" should be possible with some handwork. But what do you want to do with the so "installed" files? Most apks contain apps written in Java. LE has even no Java interpreter, let alone the missing android Java libraries.


  • If you install libreELEC it means you also install kodi on your device. So, why you want to install kodi apk? Did you want to upgrade to the latest version?

    Yes it is possible but complicated, why? you have to do so many steps (maybe using Android emulator, etc) and maybe it wouldn't work. Just install the latest LibreELEC on your device to get Kodi works great on the device, so simple.

    So, you don't need to do many steps to install the Android app on libreELEC.

    Edited 2 times, last by kendyagata (October 3, 2017 at 11:12 AM).

  • If you're running a Libreelec Linux based installation, you can try to install Genymotion and run it from within Libreelec.

    It isn't to difficult to make your own Kodi addon to run it.

    (Or with Androidx86, Anbox, ARChon or another Android emulator).

    The second thing you can do, is install Arc Welder in your Chrome browser!

    You can install Chrome in Libreelec from the build'in repo.

    Or...... just install Libreelec on a androidbox (or tablet with Hdmi connection).

    You can run every apk installed on your box within kodi, there all listed under programs.

    I hope that my reply helps!

    (And excuse me for my bad English, it's not my native language).