how to clone ?

  • well i bought a box that has libreelec work awsome like everything is working boot from internal super fast the box has no problem at all is there a way to clone this build on another box i have is the same model just android mxq box thanks

    Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk

  • You will first need to install LibreElec into the device. Once installed simply create a backup of your current box and use it to restore your new box. Once you have the backup on your computer you can clone as many devices as you want but LibrElec needs to be installed first. Personally I prefer to wipe android and completely replace it with LibreElec.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

  • Open kodi fie manager
    Open storage
    If no "backup" folder exists
    Make one
    Open kodi program addons
    Open libreelec configuration
    Press right
    Scroll down
    Click make backup
    It should slide out a window from the right and be at the "backup" folder in storage
    Press right
    Press OK
    Once finished open kodi file manage
    Stick in a USB flash drive
    Open in in A when it appears
    Press right into B
    Open storage/backup
    Highlight the file and fetch up context menu
    Click copy.
    Backup sorted
    On new box
    Open kodi file manager
    Stick USB flash drive in and open in A
    Press right into B
    Open storage
    If no "backup" folder exists
    Make one and open it
    Press left
    Highlight backup file
    Fetch up context menu
    Click copy
    Once finished open kodi program addons
    Open libreelec configuration
    Press right
    Scroll down
    Click restore backup
    Follow on screen instructions
    Wait for it to reboot and copy/restore
    Once rebooted it will be a one2one Clone

    Sent from my S600 using Tapatalk

  • I believe what Cronic wants is, effectively, a bare metal backup. He wants a [2] GB file which represents all the writeable/readable area on the device so that he can push this binary file onto the new device(s) and end up with absolute clones.

    With linux, I'd use Clonezilla. He'd like to know what program/proce4ss can be used for the device.

    I believe I've explained the problem; I have no idea how it is solved.


    Edited once, last by AndyInNYC (January 10, 2017 at 8:54 PM).

  • I believe what Cronic wants is, effectively, a bare metal backup. He wants a [2] GB file which represents all the writeable/readable area on the device so that he can push this binary file onto the new device(s) and end up with absolute clones.

    With linux, I'd use Clonezilla. He'd like to know what program/proce4ss can be used for the device.

    I believe I've explained the problem; I have no idea how it is solved.


    yes that what i refer thanks for the help i give it a try

    Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk