So as tittle says im having issues installing libre LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.0.2 elec on Assrock J4205-ITX . I also have issues with open elec (not sure if its helpful) , however open elect finish installation but loibre elec does not, everything is ver very slow all along the install process.
However alfa 7.90.10 seems to work ok, very smooth install and very nice appearance.
Can I use that alfa with no major bugs ? I read that post from milhouse : LibreELEC Testbuilds for x86_64 (Kodi 17.0)
I asume what milhouse says is to copy files KERNEL and SYSTEM from 7.90.10 to 7.0.2 right ?
Whats my best option, stay on 7.90.10 or do the trick with SYSTEM and KERNEL ?