Problem installing libre LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.0.2 elec on Assrock J4205-ITX

  • So as tittle says im having issues installing libre LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-7.0.2 elec on Assrock J4205-ITX . I also have issues with open elec (not sure if its helpful) , however open elect finish installation but loibre elec does not, everything is ver very slow all along the install process.

    However alfa 7.90.10 seems to work ok, very smooth install and very nice appearance.

    Can I use that alfa with no major bugs ? I read that post from milhouse : LibreELEC Testbuilds for x86_64 (Kodi 17.0)

    I asume what milhouse says is to copy files KERNEL and SYSTEM from 7.90.10 to 7.0.2 right ?

    Whats my best option, stay on 7.90.10 or do the trick with SYSTEM and KERNEL ?

  • LibreELEC 7.0.2, and certainly the last OpenELEC release which came out many months before this latest Asrock mobo, are not capable of supporting your J4205 box. The J4205 is very new hardware, and not fully supported yet (10bit is experimental, and planned to be in Kodi 18). Using the latest Alpha 7.90.010 and upwards is the best option.

    Kodi as an application is pretty solid, however LibreELEC is still in Alpha status. Meaning, things can break. If there are major bugs, we would like to hear from you. Not all of us have J4205 hardware available.

    Upgrading/Downgrading in LibreELEC is easily done by copying the correct .img.gz or .tar file into the .update folder, and reboot. There is no need for loose kernel file copying by hand for a long time now.

  • Thanks a lot for the answer, im going to setup everything with alpha 7.90.010 and will test for at least a week.

    (For now, I had to change the audio output and audio output passthrough to hdmi #0 AV in order to hear something, just to note I have the assrock connected to an amplifier pioneer vx1131 with a 5.1 q acoustics speakers system (q acoustics 4.0 concept))


    Edited once, last by flechoide (December 24, 2016 at 1:12 PM).

  • Copying KERNEL and SYSTEM from 7.9.010 tar to a 7.0.2 bootstick will give you a 7.90.010 bootstick so there's not really any point in doing that - just write the 7.90.010 image to your USB bootstick. The instructions I gave in the Kodi forum post were specific to my build and the current official release available _at that time_ (mainly because I don't provide image suitable for booting/installing), when upgrading a 7.0.2 or similar bootstick with the KERNEL and SYSTEM files from one of my tar builds is/was valid. However now that there are official releases available based on the latest kernel, that advice is obsolete and should not be followed.

    Edited once, last by milhouse (December 24, 2016 at 4:26 PM).

  • Copying KERNEL and SYSTEM from 7.9.010 tar to a 7.0.2 bootstick will give you a 7.90.010 bootstick so there's not really any point in doing that - just write the 7.90.010 image to your USB bootstick. The instructions I gave in the Kodi forum post were specific to my build and the current official release available _at that time_ (mainly because I don't provide image suitable for booting/installing), when upgrading a 7.0.2 or similar bootstick with the KERNEL and SYSTEM files from one of my tar builds is/was valid. However now that there are official releases available based on the latest kernel, that advice is obsolete and should not be followed.

    Thanks a lot !

  • So far everything is running nice with the board Assrock J4205-ITX and libreelec at 7.90.10

    Im just having minor issues with config (as I would have with any other piece of hardware)

    Thanks !