Updated avx build: linux 4.18-rc2, systemd 239, bluez 5.50, fixed spotify
RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)
escalade -
May 12, 2016 at 2:26 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Updated avx build: reverted to 4.17.5 (due to unresolved build issues with 4.18 and openssl 1.1), llvm 6.0.1, fixed qemu-arm, use kms by default if using modesetting driver, updated libretro cores (reicast, mgba, mame2016, fbalpha, dosbox, desmume, citra)
I've also updated my escalade1/arch-build container on the Docker hub, instructions how to build with it has been added to the first post. It's a container based on base/archlinux with the minimal package set needed for building LibreELEC.
Minor update with mesa 18.2-git, improved kms detection and fixed reicast. Also added the new OIT reicast core.
Minor update with mesa 18.2-git, improved kms detection and fixed reicast. Also added the new OIT reicast core.
Does reicast still need a compat profile & is the GLSL error fixed? The last reicast versions did not really work for me at all.
It's fixed now, look here: error: GLSL 1.40 is not supported · Issue #151 · libretro/reicast-emulator · GitHub
Looks like you need a higher compat for the OIT core though.
nice to see that this project is still going
my new house is finished next year hope this is still around
Congrats with the new house, did you reserve a room for mancave?
If anyone has an RPi2 (or 3), would appreciate if anyone could try the latest build 20180719.
- Built from latest tree and upgraded kernel to 4.17.5
- Switched from reicast standalone to reicast-libretro
- Switched from uae4arm to amiberry
- Switched from mame2003 to mame2003-plus
The generic build has been updated and brought up to speed. There's also 20180720-2 which uses aliaspider's updated Dolphin libretro port instead of the standalone version. All my latest changes have been commited to github and my tree should now build without issue with my Docker image mentioned in the first post.
Hey buddy the latest Generic regular builds is stuck at the Libreelec splash screen.
Works great here. Logs?
I've got some cool news to report. Although the SDL2 kms video driver is nothing new, I've had mixed results trying it before. I'm happy to report that it now works great! As RetroArch support KMS directly, and every standalone emulator in this build uses SDL2, we can now run everything under KMS. We could actually stop the X server while playing games, but I use it for switching refresh rates through xrandr. The additional standalone emulators that now runs in KMS are VICE C64, FS-UAE and Dosbox. Haven't done any measurements but it definitely feels like FS-UAE has better input lag (although it wasn't bad before).
I've uploaded a new avx build that has these improvements. It also uses the recently updated Dolphin libretro core instead of the standalone emulator (change your es_systems.cfg if upgrading). No more X (except for PCSX2)
Works great here. Logs?
I think its the ati card as the onboard intel works fine. I did read that hdmi audio is now working with ati cards after kernel 4.15 anyone tried this ?
So I've revisited the RetroPie Emulationstation fork, and it's gotten in good shape. I've switched to the latest from the master branch and I'm happy to report that it works pretty good now. The scraper works now, there's video support, power saving, bugfixes and optimizations. Baked in the latest avx build will do the others soon.
So I've revisited the RetroPie Emulationstation fork, and it's gotten in good shape. I've switched to the latest from the master branch and I'm happy to report that it works pretty good now. The scraper works now, there's video support, power saving, bugfixes and optimizations. Baked in the latest avx build will do the others soon.
Nice work! I guess there is still no way to set a custom home path for the emulationstation retropie fork?
Codeif [ ! -L /storage/.emulationstation ]; then ln -s /storage/.config/emulationstation /storage/.emulationstation fi
What about your custom shutdown menu patches? Have you been able to update them too? Btw. do you use fb-alpha? Does scraper work for you? It works great for mame but fails to scrape fb-alpha roms for me.
Looks like you answered your first question
It's possible to hack in Herdinger's changes regarding XDG path, I may look at it later.
I'll probably update my shutdown patches, just went the quick route to get up and running. Can't see a reason for fbalpha when there's MAME, so haven't tried. Did you try sselph scraper?
I'm updating right now and probably gonna shameless include your recent updates
Your mame2003-plus core works fine on my system so I guess it will run on your RPi build too. Still have to try reicast-libretro.
I mainly use FB-alpha because I got the rom set for it and it runs a bit faster on RPi systems.
The generic reicast core runs fine but the RPi core still fails to start.
Try the RPi core on my RPi build that was just uploaded. I don't trust cores to run on other systems than they were built for.