RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)

  • You can map them manually in the menus (hit F12).

    so I have another issue, DS4v2 is working fine in Kodi, Emulationsation and Dolphin

    but if I launch any game with a libretro core neither pad, neither keyboard works so I can't hit F12

    keyboard works if DS4 are disconnected ????

  • meldrak

    Sounds like you're running into the bluetooth issue reported previously in this thread. Solution: get a new bluetooth controller :) It's been reported at the libretro forums as well, not exactly sure what's causing it. I seem to recall that retroarch added some bluetooth code previously, try opening an issue at the retroarch github and perhaps create a thread on their forum. Be detailed and post all information about your hw.

  • Hi I just found out about this LibreElec fork and thinks it's pretty awesome. I do have one question though, is there any reason that I only see wired connection and do not get the option for wireless connections?

    I've tried LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.2-devel-20171009.img.gz as well as LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.2-devel-20171012.img.gz and don't see wifi showing, however if i use either LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.0.2.img.gz or LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.1.2.img.gz of the official version it shows up and works just fine.

    I've tested this so far on 2 PC an Acer Aspire 1830TZ-4858 as well as a Dell Vostro with and i5 (sorry i don't have the model # on hand atm)

    I would really love to use this build because of all the great extras, but I need to get the wifi issue figured out first.


    Just wondering if anyone has any insight or tips to offer?

  • Hi again every one. I cant get the .sh shortcuts to work with System.Exec

    I have created a .sh named it launcher and placed in storage.

    If I use ssh and type

    /storage/ it works right away.

    But when I use XBMC.System.Exec(/storage/

    in menu it doesnt work. Tried without XBMC at start as well. Tried lots of different skins to. Does System.Exec work that way?? Or am I missing something???

    Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.

  • meldrak

    Sounds like you're running into the bluetooth issue reported previously in this thread. Solution: get a new bluetooth controller :) It's been reported at the libretro forums as well, not exactly sure what's causing it. I seem to recall that retroarch added some bluetooth code previously, try opening an issue at the retroarch github and perhaps create a thread on their forum. Be detailed and post all information about your hw.

    finally get it working by doing my controller config under retroarch/ubuntu and loading map file in libreelec

    me again :D

    pcsx2 doesn't start on my new computer ??



    I also resolve this issue, pcsx2 can't load iso from another folder than /storage/rom/ps2 ...

  • I've change path in es_systems.cfg and it works for all exept PS2

    SNES is broken (or not) in last builds? did not check original file

    [WARN] --libretro argument "/tmp/cores/" is neither a file nor directory. Ignoring.

    I have to replace by in es_systems.cfg

  • Thats what Im trying to do. Aswell.

    Launch from kodi menu but I still have no luck........

    Hi again every one. I cant get the .sh shortcuts to work with System.Exec

    I have created a .sh named it launcher and placed in storage.

    If I use ssh and type

    /storage/ it works right away.

    But when I use XBMC.System.Exec(/storage/

    in menu it doesnt work. Tried without XBMC at start as well. Tried lots of different skins to. Does System.Exec work that way?? Or am I missing something???

    Hope someone can help. Thanks in advance.

  • I put my Docker containers in Favourites instead. That's where addons go by default anyway, and it's less work. Add them to /storage/.kodi/userdata/favourites.xml. I copied the System.Exec from Home.xml of the skin and it works for me. I can now start Docker containers (via shell scripts) from Favourites. System.Exec command should look like this:


    And of course the script file has to be set as executable.

    Edited 5 times, last by andersos (October 24, 2017 at 12:43 PM).

  • Can some help me get the xbox 360 wireless remote and receiver working in this? The controller is recognized in Kodi and emulation station, but once I launch any game in retroarch the controller is not recognized.

    Do I have to download a retroarch driver? How/where do I configure retroarch keymappings?

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