RetroELEC Kodi+Wayland+Emulationstation+RetroArch (x86/XU4/RPi)

  • I was thinking about it, do you have any experience with it? Says on their site intel has bugs but lots have happened in mesa lately might give it a shot. I suppose the nuc8 should handle it power wise, at least some games.

    EDIT: Doh, it uses Wine.... Doable, but I think it could be a lot of work, also I'm not convinced how well it will run.

  • I was thinking about it, do you have any experience with it? Says on their site intel has bugs but lots have happened in mesa lately might give it a shot. I suppose the nuc8 should handle it power wise, at least some games.

    EDIT: Doh, it uses Wine.... Doable, but I think it could be a lot of work, also I'm not convinced how well it will run.

    Yeah it’s windows only.

    If vulkan get’s it’s maturity then linux get support too but that’s gonna take a while.

    I was hoping maybe it’s possible with wine.

    On my windows machine NUC7i5BNH CEMU Is running fine.

    But indeed with intel gpu’s there are some bugs here and there.

    For some games mario kart 8,super mario maker and super mario 3D world the last working build is 1.15.2d. Anything above cemu will crash.

    But in the patreonbuild 16.0 WIP12 those games are running better on vulkan and the crashes are gone if changing backend.

  • Should be easy to fire it up in a container to see how well it runs. I'll test a bit when I have some time although not at the top of my list. I don't expect Wine to be good for running an emulator.

  • Should be easy to fire it up in a container to see how well it runs. I'll test a bit when I have some time although not at the top of my list. I don't expect Wine to be good for running an emulator.

    If you needed i can pm you the patreon build for testing

  • You've provided no logs and no way to reproduce, so no idea.

    Fresh install lastest Xu3 image on xu4, This is the log file after trying one of the streams, the system locking, reverting to boot screen, frozen until I crtl-alt-del,

    The Streams are coming from CRAPPY REPOS WITH PIRAT ADDONS.

    -edit CvH -

    No support for addons/streams etc that are pirating and are at the banlist.

  • New Wayland image out:

    • Linux 5.4-rc3
    • Latest Mesa git and libdrm 2.4.100
    • Plymouth animated boot splash
    • RetroArch per core video driver setting (configurable in /storage/.config/retroarch/retroarch-core-drivers.cfg)
    • Latest libretro core updates

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    Get it here (AMD / Intel only!)

  • It's based on master from some time ago, with some upgraded components. There are of course some relatively major differences at this point, mainline runs on X11 while I've moved to GBM. It shouldn't matter much with regards to compatibility though, if that's what you are thinking about. Their plan is to ditch X11 and move to GBM anyways AFAIK, not that it matters much (except perhaps GL/GLES addons, not sure how they behave). Hard to say though, as I don't use Kodi much and community seems dead these days. I mostly hack on this to improve my HTPC gaming functionality and WAF.

  • New Wayland image out:

    • Now supports Intel (i965/iris) / AMD (radeonsi) / NVIDIA (nouveau) / Virtio (virgl) / VMware (svga)
    • OVA image for virtual machines.
    • Fully functional with 3D acceleration in VMware (VMSVGA graphics adapter), Virtualbox (VMSVGA), QEMU/KVM (Cirrus/QXL).
    • Improved RetroArch driver selection. Now defaults to Vulkan only if available, then looks for a preferred driver in /storage/.config/retroarch/retroarch-core-drivers.cfg.
    • RPCS3 now has proper fullscreen mode and scaling in Wayland.
    • ffmpeg binary is now version 4.1.4 with h264_vaapi/hevc_vaapi encoders available.
    • wf-recorder for video recording under Wayland included.
    • Latest Mesa 19.3 git brings performance improvements to AMD.
    • Updated OpenAL to latest git version, used as default (with Pulseaudio backend) in RetroArch as well as RPCS3.
    • Bootsplash can be customized by adding files under /flash/splash, they will replace any file in the default "spinner" theme.
    • Linux 5.4-rc4
  • New Wayland image out:

    • Now supports Intel (i965/iris) / AMD (radeonsi) / NVIDIA (nouveau) / Virtio (virgl) / VMware (svga)
    • OVA image for virtual machines.
    • Fully functional with 3D acceleration in VMware (VMSVGA graphics adapter), Virtualbox (VMSVGA), QEMU/KVM (Cirrus/QXL).
    • Improved RetroArch driver selection. Now defaults to Vulkan only if available, then looks for a preferred driver in /storage/.config/retroarch/retroarch-core-drivers.cfg.
    • RPCS3 now has proper fullscreen mode and scaling in Wayland.
    • ffmpeg binary is now version 4.1.4 with h264_vaapi/hevc_vaapi encoders available.
    • wf-recorder for video recording under Wayland included.
    • Latest Mesa 19.3 git brings performance improvements to AMD.
    • Updated OpenAL to latest git version, used as default (with Pulseaudio backend) in RetroArch as well as RPCS3.
    • Bootsplash can be customized by adding files under /flash/splash, they will replace any file in the default "spinner" theme.
    • Linux 5.4-rc4

    Can i add kodi to this release afterwards? I cannot seem to get your Kodi version to run properly, with my NUC6CAY (Celeron J3455) everything stops working after either typing in "installer" when installing from USB (same when not typing anything), just stops responding. If I install Wayland it works fine, but if i "downgrade" (update) to your Kodi version, it updates but after update is completed and system reboots, it's just stuck at Intel NUC BIOS splash screen. Tried the Skylake version just for the kicks of it, but same issue exists there as well. Tried two different USB install medias as well.

    Any ideas? :S

    Edited 5 times, last by slacker666 (November 4, 2019 at 9:27 PM).

  • slacker666

    The Wayland image has Kodi (start from Emulationstation menu). Just uploaded a new image, try it out.

    Thank you, I'll try that as I couldn't find an entry for it. By Emulationstation menu, do you mean the menu where you configure input, sound settings, scraper etc? "Burning" the new image to a USB as I type, will get back with the results, thanks in advance!

    Update/edit: Updated to your new image, but can't find Kodi in the menu entries. Added custom collection Kodi as well, but there's no entry there.
    I might be blind as a bat, but I can't find Kodi anywhere to start it. Even tried dropping to terminal but couldn't find anything there either which made Kodi start based on typing "kodi", the only result that came up was kodi-* (ie kodi-emulation.start and some python scripts) to my knowledge.

    Edit 2: Tried your Kodi Rpi edition, and from there I see a "Start Kodi" from the Quit menu, although I do not know how long it should take to start it, drops out to Ryu of SF in the background with white text "#/" on black partial background

    Edited 3 times, last by slacker666: Updated current Wayland Edit 2: tried Rpi Kodi edition (November 5, 2019 at 7:46 PM).

  • I really like the look of this build but had a couple questions. When powering on the machine does it boot to Kodi or ES? I also see a file in the main folder for 86_64 as well as one in a folder labeled wayland, which should I use? Also what is wayland? Lastly, I currently have libreelec installed can I drop the file into the update folder?

  • slacker666

    Should be in the "quit" submenu, I think the logic that built the option was faulty indeed. Try the latest images, except for RPi2 which I haven't updated yet. I will build it with vc4 driver and Wayland in time.


    There's two types of builds, the ones in the root folder and then one in the kodifolder. Guess what the one in the kodi folder boots to :)

    You can also change this after installation through modifying /storage/.config/frontend.conf. Wayland the next gen X "replacement".


    Seems my gdrive went full when uploading, try again now.