i'm trying to add or search/replace text to a text file that is stored on a network device that is mounted in LibreELEC. I have this error:
sed -i 's/text1/text2/g' /var/media/fritzbox/file.txt
sed: can't move '/var/media/fritzbox/file.txtusnupr' to '/var/media/fritzbox/file.txt': Permission denied
It looks like sed is trying to create a temp file (file.txtusnupr) and failed when renaming the temp file to the real file name. Both files (temp file and source file doesn't exists after running sed). I have this problem with sed in general when the source file is on the network device. It works with local files. But it's no problem to create or delete or edit a text file with cat or nano.
This is the output of 'ls -lh'