[x86-64] Stuck on Splash installing LE 13 Nightly (Generic) on HP T620

  • Hi,

    after successfully installing newest LE13 nightly on my HP T630 i also wanted to install it in my cellar on HP T620.

    Boot screen hangs but system seems to run in background.
    Can not connect via SSH.
    But i can browse the diretories with a Windows Client.

    Installing LE12 does not have this problem

    ZIP-File attached for LE13 and LE12 after install and reboot

    I am a windows guy and have not much knowledge with linux ...

    Any help appreciated ...

    EDIT :

    I removed "quiet" and added "textmode" to the RUN-command on the USB-stick (found in other thread)
    The result you can see on the screen-photo attached

  • Code
    Feb 28 16:21:02 LibreELEC kodi.sh[1025]: ERROR: Unable to create GUI. Exiting

    Something is wrong between mesa and the GPU so there's no DRM/OpenGLES surface for Kodi to render the UI into, so nothing overwrites the boot splash, thus giving the appearance of a boot hang, although that's almost never true.

    See if the Generic Legacy (which uses X11 not GBM) works any better.

  • Hi,

    yes, tried LE13 Generic Legacy but also does not work.

    Only black screen with a visible mouse pointer is there ....

    I will try your suggestion with "amdgpu"

  • Adding these parameters to the syslinux.cfg did not solve the problem.

    I did not even get the Libreelec splash screen ... kernel loaded - ok ... and then nothing happens further ...

    I am thinking now of buying a HP T730, which i did not test so far ....

  • LE13 Generic-legacy does not work anymore because support for kernel "radeon" driver was removed.

    So until now i have tested 3 systems. ALL of them have a RADEON

    On all of them 12.02 is running fine but only on one i can run LE13 nightly

    HP T620 has a RADEON HD 8330E Graphics -> LE 13 nightly does NOT run

    HP T630 has a RADEON R7E -> LE 13 nightly runs

    HP T730 has a RADEON R7 -> LE 13 nightly does NOT run

    So why does the T630 run with LE13 even if it has a RADEON GPU ?

    The T730 has a PCIe slot where i installed an AMD Fire W2100 and deactivated iGPU in BIOS.
    But also with this card i stay in the splash screen.
    Can somebody recommend a low profile half height graphics card PCIe which works with LE13 ?