[S912] No Ethernet at Tanix T95Z Max

  • Thanks for this, but my original query was pertaining to the non working lan on the box.

    Sorry, I didn't mean to off-topic. As far as I remember, the T95Z Plus has the same ZTE chip instead of Realtek GbE.

    Regarding this, I sent a DTB patch to chewitt a few years ago (including LED GPIOs and VFD display), and it was included, sometime around the LE11 test versions. However, since then this DTB has completely disappeared from the current AMLGX images.

    The Ethernet patch was based on this:

    T95Z Plus (ethernet working for kernel 5.3.0)
    I tried to install Armbian_19.11.3_Aml-g12_buster_legacy_5.3.0_20191126.img.xz to my T95Z Plus box (S912 with 3GB RAM) but got only wifi running. Any ethernet…

    I've since checked, and the Ethernet chip of T95Z Plus is exactly the same as yours:

  • I got rather distracted with some recent discoveries on the hardware decoders. I need to circle back and cherry-pick the older device tree and then do some fixups for changes; some of the kernel bindings have evolved since LE11 days.

  • I got rather distracted with some recent discoveries on the hardware decoders. I need to circle back and cherry-pick the older device tree and then do some fixups for changes; some of the kernel bindings have evolved since LE11 days.

    If I have some free time, I will try to collect my fixes from that time slot, because the network stack fixes of the S905Ds (similar to the GXMs) were never included in the official images, but they were implemented incorrectly. This affected most internal tuner boxes and the Vero4+ as well. In addition, OSMC's support for the latter has ended recently, so it is possible that the number of LE users may start to increase on these boxes.

  • Sorry, I didn't mean to off-topic. As far as I remember, the T95Z Plus has the same ZTE chip instead of Realtek GbE.

    Regarding this, I sent a DTB patch to chewitt a few years ago (including LED GPIOs and VFD display), and it was included, sometime around the LE11 test versions. However, since then this DTB has completely disappeared from the current AMLGX images.

    The Ethernet patch was based on this:

    I've since checked, and the Ethernet chip of T95Z Plus is exactly the same as yours:

    Any chance I can get that dtb?

  • Any chance I can get that dtb?

    Please try the appropriate dtb for your system from the attachments.
    Unzip and copy the following line to the amlogic folder on the SD card, then edit the first line in uEnv.ini:


    This DTB only includes the Ethernet PHY modification, but nothing else specific to the box.

    EDIT: iperf3 results with the modified DTB on Sunwell T95Z Plus (2GB/16GB) @ LibreELEC v12.0.2:

    LE v12.0.2: https://paste.libreelec.tv/united-eft.log
    LE v13-nightly (20250226-23a3c47): https://paste.libreelec.tv/real-escargot.log

  • Please try the appropriate dtb for your system from the attachments.
    Unzip and copy the following line to the amlogic folder on the SD card, then edit the first line in uEnv.ini:


    This DTB only includes the Ethernet PHY modification, but nothing else specific to the box.

    EDIT: iperf3 results with the modified DTB on Sunwell T95Z Plus (2GB/16GB) @ LibreELEC v12.0.2:

    LE v12.0.2: https://paste.libreelec.tv/united-eft.log
    LE v13-nightly (20250226-23a3c47): https://paste.libreelec.tv/real-escargot.log

    Hi, I own a T95z plus aswell and I had some issues whith LE12 like bad network connection, not working remote hardware, etc. And I would like ti try this dtb you have uploaded. Can it be applied on an already deployed box with LE12 or must by applied on a new installation from scratch?

    Thanks a lot for your hard work.

  • Hi, I own a T95z plus aswell and I had some issues whith LE12 like bad network connection, not working remote hardware, etc. And I would like ti try this dtb you have uploaded. Can it be applied on an already deployed box with LE12 or must by applied on a new installation from scratch?

    Sure, it will work, you can apply the above procedure to an existing system as well. It will help with Ethernet, but it doesn't include the VFD display pins, and unfortunately we haven't been able to figure out the mystery of the remote control yet, even though I measured it before.

  • Sure, it will work, you can apply the above procedure to an existing system as well. It will help with Ethernet, but it doesn't include the VFD display pins, and unfortunately we haven't been able to figure out the mystery of the remote control yet, even though I measured it before.

    Thanks a lot