After entering the one line command "PROJECT=Generic DEVICE=Generic ARCH=x86_64 make image" on a RPi4 4GB with Slackware aarch64 (15) the build gave the following error:
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
FAILURE: scripts/build llvm:host during make_host (default)
*********** FAILED COMMAND ***********
FAILURE: scripts/build llvm:host has failed!
>>> llvm:host seq 230 >>>
[297/303] [FAIL] build llvm:host
The following log for this failure is available:
Parallel build failure - see log for details. Time of failure: Thu Dec 26 09:57:
30 CET 2024
make: *** [Makefile:10: image] Error 1
A LibreELEC-RPi4.aarch64-12.0 image has been built successfully on the same building machine.
llvm-18.1.6-aarch64 is available on the building machine. The github cloned LibreELEC is from a couple of days back.
What could I do to solve this error?