Hi, continuation of RE: [RPi4] Instabilities With Prime Decoder, which was locked down as it turned out I had a banned repository installed. Fair enough. I didn't even know, I hadn't even any addons installed from it, but again, fair enough. I've removed it, and made sure non of my plugins / addons are banned (as I don't want that either), but it obviously doesn't change the issue I have.
In short, some files, especially PVR recordings with I think bad signal / bit errors, make kodi crash and restart when PRIME decoder is enabled. When it's disabled, it continues. I managed to make a short recording. With PRIME enabled it crashes at about 15/16 seconds, with PRIME disabled it works fine.
Logs: https://paste.libreelec.tv/top-rattler.log
Recording: https://1drv.ms/v/s%21As_wCUgs-pjPhEQVPqyKXA68sGvv?e=XUN7Ps
The first log might nog have had the error in it, as after the kodi restarts the logs were disabled again, and hence maybe reset? I've now enabled logging, rebooted (so it sticks), played the file again, and after the Kodi crash I took another pastkodi. This time also the generated logfile name is better