AMD Kabini - no hardware acceleration?

  • Hello, I tried to install v12.0.1 (but I don't think it's a specific version) on an HP T520 thin client that has an AMD GX-212JC APU and I'm a little disappointed - even with the legacy version of Libreelec I can't get the hardware to work H264 acceleration, in the system info I see (SW) instead of (HW), and high APU load (which attacks at peaks 100%) to this indicates.
    I have already passed through e.g. several ITX boards with the E-350 APU, which is an even older APU, and it's never been a problem.
    Am I doing something wrong somewhere, or where the hell is the problem?

    Interestingly. I tried to install the oldest Libreelec available, i.e. 9.2.6, and with AMD GX-212JC (2nd G-series, KABINI) everything is fine, HW acceleration via VAAPI is active.
    But in 12.0.1 it is inactive, SW only. Why?

    Edited 3 times, last by harrym: Merged a post created by harrym into this post. (November 10, 2024 at 9:53 PM).

  • Can confirm the issue when testing on KAVERI (another Sea Islands GPU)

    error <general>: ffmpeg[0xc93ecf0]: [h264] Hardware does not support image size 1920x1088 (constraints: width 64-0 height 64-0).
    error <general>: ffmpeg[0xc93ecf0]: [h264] Failed setup for format vaapi: hwaccel initialisation returned error.

    Seem to be a kernel 6.6 radeon driver regression, when switching to amdgpu by adding

    radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1

    to the kernel parameters (APPEND line of /flash/syslinux.cfg) acceleration is working fine.

    On kernel 6.11 of LE13 HW acceleration is working with both radeon and amdgpu.

  • Definitely a bug, use the work around.

    I'm using amdgpu on this HW for years. It get more support from AMD than radeon, e.g. GL version is 4.6 instead of 4.5.