Libreelec and SQL shared librairy

  • Hi there

    I just installed the Libreelec distribution and It works fine.
    However, I can't get the mySQL shared librairy to work.
    I have three others devices over different KODI plateforms (WIN, Android, Openelec) with which it works fine.

    Here I created the advanced settings xml file with easyadvancessettings addon, it doesn't connect to the existing mysql data base.
    I have a set SQL data base (video & music) dedicated for KODI 16.

    I don't understand why it doesn't work...

    Thanks in advance for your support

    From France

    Edited once, last by Gui26 (May 10, 2016 at 3:46 PM).

  • I assume yes but while trying to insert the 10 log files I've extracted in a txt format, just the first one it says it's too big, so I can't see any to do but to provide with a compressed version ...
    Sorry for that.

  • "Easy Advancedsettings addon" ...
    Is this something from Our not-so-friendly neighbor?

    If you use the direct method via SSH, as already outlined to you, then you can simply have LibreELEC upload the log file via the built-in pastebin support. After that, just share the URL of the uploaded log file. No need to paste some 10 log files here.

  • Klojum,

    Could you explain in a few words what the problem is with TVaddons ? Obviously it's not an official addon set of addon, but I'm not very familiar with the potential risks.
    What do you mean by "not so friendly ?

    I confirm Easy advanced settings is from there, I'm used to use it because I have been facing issues while creating those find of file by myself.
    Personally I think the aim of this specific addon (the only one I use from TVaddon) is valuable, I also found advanced settings setter which works fine also, but not official neither.

    Is there an official addon for this ? If so, I agree that I should rather use it.


  • Official:Forum rules/Banned add-ons - Official Kodi Wiki
    Warning - Be aware what additional add-ons you install | Kodi | Open Source Home Theater Software

    Remember it's a device on your local network, most likely with access to other devices on your network. So be very carefull about what you are running there. With piracy repositories you never know what additional "goodies" come with your addon or one of it's updates, even if it's a simple config editor.