Librelec Does not show on TV.. while updating library

  • Hello to all

    i have a nuc 13 and installed libreelec 12..

    My library is on Windows 10 machine using Hanewin NFS..

    Library is really big.. (15000 movies)..

    the problem is that when i try to update my library (from scratch, new installation)

    after some hours the TV goes blank.. pressing any key on my keyboard does not do anything

    BUT... as you will see.. log files are still being created...

    whats going wrong ??

    Thank you


    (cannot upload to hastebin really large log files... )

  • FIY:..

    updated Nuc13 firmware to the latest version...

    turned everything off that is related to put anything to standby...

    forced (from bios) hdmi 1 and not autoselect..

    did a fresh Libreelec 12 installation...

    but after a while TV goes blank... and nothing can be done to turn it on...

    Libreelec is alive as kodi logs are still being created...

    Installed windows 11.. Nuc drivers ... Kodi 21... and did update library again..

    everything goes smoothly..

    So there must be a problem with Nuc 13 (1340p is my machine) , Linux display drivers...

    (found out that intel gave up on nuc and asus took over in support)