S802/S812-Libreelec images for 7/8/9

  • Demetris Thanks for your work, what is the system to install your firmwares?
    I use the following official mxiii firmware with USB_Burning_Tool. after updating LibreELEC-S802.S82.arm-8.0.0-2-alpha-devel.zip and then updating LibreELEC-S802.M8.arm-8.0.RC1 .tar, is there any way to update directly from the official firmware to yours without going through the drieschel?
    I do not know how to update using LibreELEC-S802.M8.arm-8.0.RC1.img.gz.
    I can not get the pvr addons to work, and the microsd card only works in read mode, not writing.
    Some manual for fools how to install lakka

    Thank you for your great work and forgive me if any of these questions is answered in another place but my English is very bad and I have not found it.

    gracias por tu trabajo , cual es el sistema para instalar tus firmwares?
    yo utilizo el siguiente instalo firmware oficial del mxiii con USB_Burning_Tool. despues actualizo LibreELEC-S802.S82.arm-8.0.0-2-alpha-devel.zip y despues actualizo LibreELEC-S802.M8.arm-8.0.RC1.tar, hay alguna forma de actualizar directamente desde el firmware oficial al tuyo sin pasar por el drieschel?
    no se como actualizar mediante LibreELEC-S802.M8.arm-8.0.RC1.img.gz.
    No consigo que me funcione los addons pvr, y la tarjeta microsd solo me funciona en modo lectura no en escritura.
    algun manual para tontos de como instalar lakka

    Gracias por tu gran trabajo y perdona si alguna de estas pregunstas esta contestada en otro lugar pero mi ingles es pesimo y no lo he encontrado.

  • Demetris. Looks like it nothing corresponding resolution. I tried this commands to check different resolution and it changes but display are still broken (#121)
    # echo 1080p50hz > /sys/class/display/mode
    # echo 1080p60hz > /sys/class/display/mode
    # echo 720p50hz > /sys/class/display/mode
    # echo 720p60hz > /sys/class/display/mode
    # echo 1080i50hz > /sys/class/display/mode
    # echo 1080i60hz > /sys/class/display/mode
    # echo 720i50hz > /sys/class/display/mode
    # echo 720i60hz > /sys/class/display/mode

    I just looking for working configuration. It's no matter to me which resolution I will be using.
    In android I have set 720p@50Hz

    Edited once, last by 4timepi (February 12, 2017 at 1:19 PM).

  • I started uploading a new RC1 release with fixed addons so you who want IPTV clients etc you better get the new one!
    P.s Lakka images are still building and due to the many devices we support will take a while to push them to server.
    Will notify when those are done too.

    Hi are theses ready yet and dose it have the addons included I need the enigma add on for pvr thanks

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • LE 8 doesnt support that way anymore, search forum or maybe
    a user with your box can give you
    A clue what it needs to be done.
    Did you try flash .img into an sdcard?

    Yes it does...

    PROJECT={ProjectName} ARCH=arm DEVICE={DeviceName} make amlpkg

    That will create the .tar, .img.gz and .zip files... The -update.zip is placed inside the final .zip file after being signed with the cert by the build image script.

    One could download the .tar and extract out the KERNEL and SYSTEM files from the /target directory and put them thru the same process to create the update.zip file too.
    You would need a recovery.img, the signapk files, update-binary, updater-script to do it...

    Edited once, last by DoritosVodka (February 13, 2017 at 5:11 PM).

  • Anyone know of a build that will work on the MyGica ATV582/ATV380? They're based on the same s802. There is an old version of OpenELEC 6 (Kodi 15) available for them. I did try installing OpenELEC and doing a tar update to a few of these, and it either kernel panics or freezes on the LibreELEC boot screen with video corruption.

    I've never tried to make my own, but am willing to try if someone can point me to some kind of tutorial, or at least the tools necessary to work with LibreELEC and these images.
