Gamestarter: Retrogaming add-ons (RPi/Generic)

  • Can someone tell me where the Emulation Station Theme/Graphics are located ?

    I would like to change the background color ... as it causes my Plasma TV to "buzz" a lot

    Also, where are the scraped "Game Covers" stored ?

    I would like to change a few of them


  • Can someone tell me where the Emulation Station Theme/Graphics are located ?

    I would like to change the background color ... as it causes my Plasma TV to "buzz" a lot

    Also, where are the scraped "Game Covers" stored ?

    I would like to change a few of them



    Finally I made core updater work... there were 2 lines in retroarch.cfg wrong:

    core_updater_buildbot_url = ""
    core_updater_buildbot_assets_url = ""

    With this 2 lines like above and retroarch 1.3.4 it works...

    Also I checked latest lakka nightly core versions and they are the same we are using in gamestarter, so we are up to date, but we have more of them

    Sevren68, if N64 run better in retropie can be related with overclock parameters or maybe it is because in retropie you can also use non-libretro mupens64plus emulator... About PSP, it is in experimental stage in raspberry... I saw a couple of videos running decently but with a very high overclock value and with standalone ppsspp emulator, not retroarch version...

  • /storage/.config/emulationstation/themes/

    Awesome thanks !
    Great the Online Updater is working
    N64 ~ i've never overclocked any of my RPi's ... so maybe it was the non-libretro mupens64plus emulator
    PSP ~ Oh, ok no probs ... i'll stick to playing PSP (and N64) on my Octo-Core Android Box

  • Would you add the Atari800 Emulator to the next Update ?
    Or would you give me a hint where to put it ?
    I would like to "try" the Atari5200 Emulation. ( even though i read its a pain to set up )

  • Would you add the Atari800 Emulator to the next Update ?
    Or would you give me a hint where to put it ?
    I would like to "try" the Atari5200 Emulation. ( even though i read its a pain to set up )

    Basically in Gamestarter we only use retroarch for emulating, this is because both libreELEC and OpenELEC are such closed systems and it is difficult to make wokr other emulators without compiling a custom build.
    I found Recalbox includes an atari800 libretro core, I will take a look...
    About atari5200 I can read on the internet that it can be emualted using newest mess core but it is something I can't understand...

  • I'd like to play MSX games with a keyboard. I prefer fMSX core over blueMSX because the first supports save states. Yet the keymapping in fMSX is not passed though from RetroArch, so I cannot play games ?. In Lakka this does work perfectly, so I guess it should be possible with a small config change. Btw for blueMSX it is working. Any pointers how to make this work using fMSX core too?

    Edited once, last by jean-luc100 (June 2, 2016 at 7:19 PM).

  • Thx. Really appreciate it.
    I just saw that RetroPie uses the Amiga800 Emulator and i thought it would work the same as the Amiga one ^^.

    For amiga emulator we are using a binary compiled for openelec by an user, and also I needed to get some required libraries... I made the effort because it is a system I used when I was a child, but now I am using libretro-uae4arm in my installation, because I don't like to use keyboards and complex configs, that's another reason why I choose retroarch.

    I'd like to play MSX games with a keyboard. I prefer fMSX core over blueMSX because the first supports save states. Yet the keymapping in fMSX is not passed though from RetroArch, so I cannot play games ?. In Lakka this does work perfectly, so I guess it should be possible with a small config change. Btw for blueMSX it is working. Any pointers how to make this work using fMSX core too?

    It is strange that fmsx doesn't work with keyboard... I preffer bluemsx because it remaps basic keys to gamepad, but when I tried fmsx with a keyboard I remember it worked... also, if it works in lakka it must work here, as you say, maybe is something related with input or core configs inside retroach, you can take a look...

  • For amiga emulator we are using a binary compiled for openelec by an user, and also I needed to get some required libraries... I made the effort because it is a system I used when I was a child, but now I am using libretro-uae4arm in my installation, because I don't like to use keyboards and complex configs, that's another reason why I choose retroarch.

    It is strange that fmsx doesn't work with keyboard... I preffer bluemsx because it remaps basic keys to gamepad, but when I tried fmsx with a keyboard I remember it worked... also, if it works in lakka it must work here, as you say, maybe is something related with input or core configs inside retroach, you can take a look...

    To be precize some keys do work in fMSX (arrow keys), others not (A, B, X, Y). Where should I look for the config file(s) that may be the culprit?

  • When i launch "Gamestarter" from my Program Addons shortcut

    Is there a way to bypass / disable the ... " Exit Kodi and run EmulationStation? " confirmation ?

    and just have it launch without asking ?

  • When i launch "Gamestarter" from my Program Addons shortcut

    Is there a way to bypass / disable the ... " Exit Kodi and run EmulationStation? " confirmation ?

    and just have it launch without asking ?

    It will be included in next release, it can be toggled from addon settings. If you want to try it now you can download and overwrite these two files from github master:

    Also I found atari800 libretro core, I included in this package for the next releae:

    If anyone wants to test it, just download and unzip, copy file and paste it in /storage/.config/retroarch/cores then it can be launched from retroarch. Some bios are needed.

  • Sorry .. another silly question

    how do get my Sega 32X games to appear in Emulationstation ?

    i labeled the folder "sega32x" but it does not appear .... i can launch the game manually through lakki though

    Sega 32X · RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup Wiki · GitHub

    doh .. figured it out

    i manually edited es_systems.cfg .... and added the following

    <fullname>Sega 32X</fullname>
    <extension>.smd .bin .gen .md .sg .zip .SMD .BIN .GEN .MD .32x .ZIP</extension>
    <command>/storage/.kodi/addons/script.gamestarter/resources/bin/gamestarter.start picodrive %ROM% ES</command>

    and now it appears in EmulationStation

    Edited once, last by Sevren68 (June 3, 2016 at 12:09 PM).

  • To be precize some keys do work in fMSX (arrow keys), others not (A, B, X, Y). Where should I look for the config file(s) that may be the culprit?

    Found it! I replaced the default fMSX core ( of Gamestarter plugin 2.0.2 by the one on index · powered by h5ai 0.27.0 ( and now all works fine! Can you include this version (217.342 bytes files size) in next Gamestarter version?

  • Found it! I replaced the default fMSX core ( of Gamestarter plugin 2.0.2 by the one on index · powered by h5ai 0.27.0 ( and now all works fine! Can you include this version (217.342 bytes files size) in next Gamestarter version?

    Cool !

    off / on topic ... i'm pretty desparate to get "River Raid" game working on the Raspberry Pi for my Mum

    She loved the Colecovision version of the game years ago ... and the MSX version looks exactly like it

    (i got the Atari2600 version working ... but it wasn't quite the same look or feel)

    Here's the MSX Version on Youtube

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    Any assistance / advice would be greatly appreciated by me (and my mum)

    Edited once, last by Sevren68 (June 4, 2016 at 3:32 PM).

  • Yeah! River Raid! I saw it on your youtube link! Brings back memories I didn't realize I had LOL!

    I found the game rom and I can run it fine on fMSX. One thing though... in the main menu I need to choose one or two player option, using keypress of a number... I have never figured out how to map the number keys in libretro type of emulators. So I'm getting stuck in the main menu of this great game (just like some of my other favourite MSX games) .... someone any idea how to map (at least) key numbers 1 to 4? This is used a lot in MSX games to choose between 1) 1 player keyboard, 2) 2 player keyboard, 3) 1 player joystick, 4) 2 player joystick

    If someone can give us a hand here then we'll make Sevren68's mum very happy!

    Edited once, last by jean-luc100 (June 4, 2016 at 10:47 PM).

  • done! I included in github repo so it will be included in next release.

    Great! Thank you very much for this nice piece of work!

    Next to my love of MSX games I'm also keen of NDS and Nintendo Game & Watch games. I found the first to be supported by desmume and the second one by gw-libretro emulators. Unfortunately I could not find builds though on index · powered by h5ai 0.27.0 (, yet Retropie supports them if I understand correctly. So I guess the Pi would be potent enough to run these kind of games? Any chance you could add these emulators to Gamestarter too?

  • Great! Thank you very much for this nice piece of work!

    Next to my love of MSX games I'm also keen of NDS and Nintendo Game & Watch games. I found the first to be supported by desmume and the second one by gw-libretro emulators. Unfortunately I could not find builds though on index · powered by h5ai 0.27.0 (, yet Retropie supports them if I understand correctly. So I guess the Pi would be potent enough to run these kind of games? Any chance you could add these emulators to Gamestarter too?

    Game & Watch core is already in Gamestarter ;) you can download games from here: gw

    About NintendoDS, it is an expeirmental core and is not functional yet, you can see it here: Nintendo DS · RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup Wiki · GitHub