Gamestarter: Retrogaming add-ons (RPi/Generic)

  • well i did step 2 and 3 already but i didnt overclock my pi 3 yet.

    I saw youtube videos of people playing psx and n64 totally smooth on retropie/recalbox. Is this not possible with that addon?
    If yes, why?

    What are good overclocked settings for the pi3. i have 3 small coolers attached to it.

  • well i did step 2 and 3 already but i didnt overclock my pi 3 yet.

    I saw youtube videos of people playing psx and n64 totally smooth on retropie/recalbox. Is this not possible with that addon?
    If yes, why?

    What are good overclocked settings for the pi3. i have 3 small coolers attached to it.

    I run PSX in my Pi2 very smooth even before I overclock it a little.

    In theory, performance should be the same in retropie, recalbox, lakka and gamestarter, since all of them use same emulator/cores, the only difference is the version of the core used, sometimes one distro updates its core and the other distro takes some weeks or months ot update it (recalbox). Sometimes gamestarter cores are ahead retropie's XD... So if you are experiencing performance issues you must take a look to your power supply, sd card and overclocking.

    I recommend starting over here: Overclocking · RetroPie/RetroPie-Setup Wiki · GitHub

  • this is so weird.. i did everything like in the instructions and im running libreelec stable version.. why is my performance so poor. i even have issues in emulating NES games. the sound is laggy.. SNES is running good. PSX and N64 are unplayable... i have like 30 fps running psx games but the lagg is like with 3 fps. i cant fix it :/

    this is my power supply : Rydges EU 5V 3A 3000mAh Micro USB Stecker Netzteil DC: Elektronik

    micro sd card: SanDisk Extreme 32 GB microSDHC Speicherkarte +: Computer & Zubehör

    Edited once, last by robbryjo (December 26, 2016 at 11:51 PM).

  • Hi@all,

    is it possible to use this addon also with a ASRock Beebox N3150 wie LIBREElec?
    Or have I install something different to be able to play PSX, SNES .... Roms with my XBOX 360 Controller on my Beebox?

    Sorry, but this is the first time, I'm trying to get an Emu working with LE.

    Thanks for help!

  • Hi@all,

    is it possible to use this addon also with a ASRock Beebox N3150 wie LIBREElec?
    Or have I install something different to be able to play PSX, SNES .... Roms with my XBOX 360 Controller on my Beebox?

    Sorry, but this is the first time, I'm trying to get an Emu working with LE.

    Thanks for help!

    This is just for pi. You can try escalade's awesome custom build:

  • Hello,

    hello i use a rpi3 with your gamestarter addon, which is pretty awesome. The gamepads i use are the snes30 made by 8bitdo. The controller firmware i upgradeable and the current version is 2.70 so after every update i've to to replace the config files in your bulds by the ones for the firmware version 2.7.

    So I was wondering if you could include these joypad config files into your builds, as they belong to libretro / retroarch-joypad-autoconfig and be maybe included in the future anyway. It's not much work to replace them anyway but it would ease up things cause my gf sometimes triggers the updates without telling me and ends up with non working gamepads :rolleyes:

    Edited once, last by 5schatten (January 8, 2017 at 7:54 PM).

  • Hello,

    hello i use a rpi3 with your gamestarter addon, which is pretty awesome. The gamepads i use are the snes30 made by 8bitdo. The controller firmware i upgradeable and the current version is 2.70 so after every update i've to to replace the config files in your bulds by the ones for the firmware version 2.7.

    So I was wondering if you could include these joypad config files into your builds, as they belong to libretro / retroarch-joypad-autoconfig and be maybe included in the future anyway. It's not much work to replace them anyway but it would ease up things cause my gf sometimes triggers the updates without telling me and ends up with non working gamepads :rolleyes:

    When I compile a new addon version it updates autoconfig files using the ones here: index · powered by h5ai 0.27.0 (
    The should be the same.

    One thing I personally do is to copy my custom joypad config files in another folder (autoconfig-bit) and in retroarch menu I select this folder for autoconfig, in that way I don't loose my custom key/button configurations when updating. Also, gamestarter backup/restore feature should achieve that.

  • I've installed things, and using my keyboard I can enter gamestarter and launch the one NES Rom I've copied to the system.

    This is using my keyboard. I've tried to use both a PS4 Bluetooth controller and a wii Bluetooth controller. When I connect these to libreelec, they both work inside of libreelec to move through the menus. But as soon as I launch gamestarter, the Bluetooth remotes (wii and PS4) stop working. I can only use my keyboard in gamestarter, as well, when I launch the NES ROM they still don't work in the game.

    What am I doing wrong? Should the Bluetooth controllers just work?

    Im using the alpha libreelec release (latest one, from about 2 weeks ago and the gamestarter alpha version that matches)

    Thank in advance for the help/advice

  • did you try using DS4 via USB?, it works fine for me and it should work for you out of the box too. If it doesn't something is wrong. If it does try again via bluetooth and see what is the retroarch output on left bottom screen when starting, it should print on screen the controller name.

    No idea about wii controller, I have never used one in RPi.

  • did you try using DS4 via USB?, it works fine for me and it should work for you out of the box too. If it doesn't something is wrong. If it does try again via bluetooth and see what is the retroarch output on left bottom screen when starting, it should print on screen the controller name.

    No idea about wii controller, I have never used one in RPi.


    Thanks, it works fine over USB. It is only via bluetooth that the DS4 fails. I think it is because the ds4drv driver is required for some DS4 controllers now over bluetooth and it isn't included in libreelec.

  • Hello
    I have raspberry pi2. Do I need to replace rPi3:~ # cat /storage/scummvm/ by rPi2:~ # cat /storage/scummvm/

    Sorry for my English :)

  • I have raspberry pi2. Do I need to replace rPi3:~ # cat /storage/scummvm/ by rPi2:~ # cat /storage/scummvm/

    Sorry for my English :)

    upss.... I totally forgot this workaorund for Scummvm Szymon_Zy did... someday I will look to include as an optional installation of gamestarter...

    about your question, I think that " rPi3:~ #" is not necesary, it is just a mistaken copied from console, in that step you should exec:

    cat /storage/scummvm/

    then you will enter file editor and should write this:

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib ./scummvm $1

    By the way, I am working on new v2.7 with new retroarch 1.4.0 and its netplay features. Also I am trying to include the new Nintendo DS emulator what runs really smooth, DraStic.
    Stay tuned.

  • upss.... I totally forgot this workaorund for Scummvm Szymon_Zy did... someday I will look to include as an optional installation of gamestarter...

    about your question, I think that " rPi3:~ #" is not necesary, it is just a mistaken copied from console, in that step you should exec:

    cat /storage/scummvm/

    then you will enter file editor and should write this:

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib ./scummvm $1

    By the way, I am working on new v2.7 with new retroarch 1.4.0 and its netplay features. Also I am trying to include the new Nintendo DS emulator what runs really smooth, DraStic.
    Stay tuned.

    Thank you !

  • Has anyone managed to get a Gasia (fake ps3) controller to work via Bluetooth on a rpi3. I really would like to use the wireless controller with game starter.

    I was directed to Gasia controller support - RetroPie Forum but the config uses retropie to download the drivers.

    The controller is seen as a keyboard & asks for a pin, which i cant input with a controller. I thought these patches GitHub - luetzel/bluez: Fork of Bluez with patches to support PS3 Gasia/ Shanwan game controllers had been applied to the libreelec dev.

    Any help will be appreciated.

  • Hi,

    Thanks, it works fine over USB. It is only via bluetooth that the DS4 fails. I think it is because the ds4drv driver is required for some DS4 controllers now over bluetooth and it isn't included in libreelec.

    I was actually able to get my DS4 working great over bluetooth with the tutorial from the Lakka documentation. Try this: Lakka documentation - Wireless Dualshock
    I'm having issues in AEL with my N64 roms showing up under Playstation, and my Playstation roms showing up under N64. If I delete from the launcher under one system, it deletes it in both. Any ideas as to why this would be happening or how to fix it?

    Edited once, last by joshcrosby (February 3, 2017 at 10:49 PM).