Gamestarter: Retrogaming add-ons (RPi/Generic)

  • Hi i have just installed gamestarter and there is no sound in emulation station and retroarch.

    So heres the deal. I have a fresh install of libreelec 8.2.5 on my raspberry pi 3.

    Setting it all up with me media etc then getting onto setting up gamestarter.

    I installed emulationstation,retroarch then downloaded all lakka core package from the retroarch menu.

    I then loaded retroarch configured my ps3 controllers to use wireless and back to kodi interface.

    then launched emulation station and noticed no sound, i then launched a rom and also noticed no sound within game either.

    So heres the strange part. i went exited retroarch and emulation station back to kodi, using my tv remote to navigate kodi i got gui sounds but using the ps3 controller to navigate gives me no gui sound, is the normal behaviour and also could anyone point me in the write direction so get the sound working.



  • Post #741 should get you going..

  • ok ill have a look into it.

    Also ive noticed that the scraper doesnt work using emulation station.

    Can anyone help me with that



    I scraped all my games from Pc with sselph scraper and just mass edited xml with notepad so to use same thumbs with both advanced launcher and ES but that was about 2 years ago and I m not sure about details...the best script for me to scrape was Fastscraper..look for it on github and save script to .bat on your pc

  • so there is no easy way to scrape roms then.

    I have my whole rom collection scraped and backed up on my computer from retropie.

    now if i transfer that over to libreelec they do not shows but if i edit the gamlist.xml and alter the file location it works.

    Surely i do not need to edit every single entry within that xml to match.


  • so there is no easy way to scrape roms then.

    I have my whole rom collection scraped and backed up on my computer from retropie.

    now if i transfer that over to libreelec they do not shows but if i edit the gamlist.xml and alter the file location it works.

    Surely i do not need to edit every single entry within that xml to match.


    I'm not sure if game lists from retropie are compatable with libreelec...but if you edited file location and it's working you can just edit them all at once with Notepad++...

    About if there is an easier way I m not sure...but fastscraper.bat is very just edit few lines in script for what kind of artwork you 3d,covers,snapshots's also very fast to scrape..

  • solved it :)

    Just for future reference and anybody else wanting to know.

    I used universal xml scraper, select the option for recalbox (not retropie) and it outputs images and gameslist in your roms directory.

    Copy striaight to your pi libreelec install and everything shows beautifully.

    My next problem is shaders and overlays all seem to cause stuttering, even the ones i use on my retropie build that work fine on there.

    Any ideas why that is.



  • The current build of Retroarch does NOT work with the current LibreElec 8.90.005 (on x86_64)

    It exits with errors, and I found these missing FFMPEG and general libs by running "ldd game.retroarch-Gen": (58.18.100 is in libreelec) (58.12.100 is in libreelec) (56.14.100 is in libreelec) (2 is in libreelec) (5.1.100 is in libreelec)

    Edited once, last by ppehrson (September 28, 2018 at 3:57 PM).

  • ok, I tested it just in my RPi... so let's go to update for Gen...

    I just updloaded those missing libs over here, you need to download and place them into lib folder inside retroarch addon folder and reboot.

    Tell me if it works.

  • It is now missing and two other libs (see below), but it doesn't error with the others anymore.

    I tried linking to the available libs, but this doesn't work since their major version is changed.

    To help you with the exact necessary libs, here are the remaining missing files according to ldd: => not found => not found => not found

    Thanks in advance :) - I am not sure where I should get the libs, as I don't know which Linux flavour LE is built on.

    I am sure adding these last files will fix the issue.

    I logged it on Github, just to make sure it is seen :)

    Edited once, last by ppehrson (September 29, 2018 at 12:08 AM).

  • Here you have:

    As another user told me once, I just download LibreELEC 8 image file and using 7zip I extract lib folder from SYSTEM file, then I get missing libs...

    When lakka updates to LE9 retroarch compilation will use LE9 libs and those files won't be necessary...

    After you tell me it works I have to prepare addon update to include them in addon zip, also I can try to update to RA 1.7.4 but I need to get some free time...

  • It is now running if I start it from within LibreElec.

    It doesn't start if I run ./ from SSH (not that this is important)

    I haven't yet tested functionality (mainly MAME) since I need to figure out how to organize the collection (it doesn't seem smart to put all roms in Emulators/roms on LE, due to different architectures.

    How do others do this?

    PS: As far as I can remember, OpenElec shared binaries with Ubuntu, but I don't remember which version. Maybe it's the same with LE, which will make it pretty easy to update the binaries.


    This actually seems to be working, getting RA thru the official deb src, but it wants other libraries: => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found => not found

    If you wish, I could gather them and test further and then send them to you.

    I am testing this with Bash on Ubuntu for Windows (which is current).

    Edited once, last by ppehrson: Testing RA 1.7.4 (September 29, 2018 at 12:34 AM).

  • To run it using SSH you should call or directly this command "sh ./ retroarch" (note that you need to specify name of the addon after file)

    I personally have all my romset collections in an external HDD with my movie and music collections pluggedto my RPi just when I want to play sometihng, and I use AEL to launch them from kodi, but I think every user has each own way to short his/her collection ;)

  • To run it using SSH you should call or directly this command "sh ./ retroarch" (note that you need to specify name of the addon after file)

    I personally have all my romset collections in an external HDD with my movie and music collections pluggedto my RPi just when I want to play sometihng, and I use AEL to launch them from kodi, but I think every user has each own way to short his/her collection ;)

    OK, so there was an explanation.

    Yeah, I used to use OpenElec where I had them split into subfolders under Emulators, I think I ran them from within RA.

    Pls read my above post if you need help with updating RA to newest (it looks promising)

  • OK, so I have compiled a set of extra libs that are required for 1.7.4 to run on LibreElec 8.90.005 (though only for Gen, since I don't currently have my Pi running).

    1.7.4 requires 109 MB of libs to run. It works! - but there are some black squares on some menus where icons are supposed to be. I am not sure why this is; I just copied the binary and all the 85 required libs, so maybe I am missing something. (Edit: I have the original deb archives in tar format, there is an asset directory which is supposed to be in /usr/share/libretro)

    You can get it here:

    BTW, I was right. LibreElec is compatible with Ubuntu 16.04.

    Edited once, last by ppehrson (September 29, 2018 at 1:55 AM).

  • Now, another issue.

    If I run a game with EmulationStation, it reverts to ES.

    If I run the commandline manually, I get a regex error:

    # /storage/.kodi/addons/game.retroarch/addon.start mame2003 /storage/emulators/roms/mame/ ES
    sed: bad option in substitution expression

    Also, EmulationStation doesn't find anything to scrape (MAME).

    When hashing the code that throws the sed error out, retroarch_debug.log shows that a segmentation fault is thrown.

    This doesn't happen when executing a game in RetroArch, which works flawlessly.

    Edited once, last by ppehrson (September 29, 2018 at 4:23 PM).