LibreElec 12 Mapping PS3 BD Remote Buttons

  • Hi all,

    I'm using LibreElec on my HTPC in combination with a PS3 BD Remote Control since a long time which was working perfect.

    After update to LibreElec12 only basic buttons are still working (like left/right/up/down, OK, ...).
    But some are not working anymore like top menu/pop up. How and where can I re-configure the missing buttons?
    I think the mapping from LibreElec 11->12 is gone.

    Thanks in advance,

  • I think I have the same problem (had already started a thread "LE11+ broke my Remote Control" but I think its the same problem)

    Only a few standard buttons are available all my special function buttons do nothing since LE11

  • Probably due to this:

    2024-07-05 11:35:19.250 T:900     error <general>: [xkb] couldn't find a Compose file for locale "C" (mapped to "C")

    2024-07-05 11:35:19.250 T:900   warning <general>: CLibInputKeyboard: Failed to compile localized compose table, composed key support will be disabled