[RPi4] Unstable Ethernet Connection

  • Bit the bullet and did a clean install of 12; everything definitely working as expected now - haven't gone backwards:); it actually fixed and error notification I used to get after startup whereby the PVR-HTS addon would report an invalid response from the TVHeadend server hosted on this same device - this now connects straight away without error:thumbup:

    The behaviour of having to reboot if you restart your router or take the Ethernet cable out is still there, you get the Input/output error I reported earlier if you try to refresh or connect - this was there in 10 and 11 so not new

  • The behaviour of having to reboot if you restart your router or take the Ethernet cable out is still there, you get the Input/output error I reported earlier if you try to refresh or connect - this was there in 10 and 11 so not new

    Do you use a static IP for LE?

  • Do you use a static IP for LE?

    Yes it uses static IP from DHCP and even if I manually set the static IP address on the RPI4, so not using DHCP, it's the same; as I say this happened in 10 and 11 and I think 9 also but it's been a while since I used 9; if the router restarted or network cable is disconnected it needs a reboot - wifi is disabled I don't use it, obviously I rarely, if ever take out the network cable, it's more rebooting the router; you can't reconnect from the gui as only the connect option is available along with refresh and edit; using connect and refresh causes the error and you can do anything from the cli as the rpi4 is not reachable via the network bu I'd imagine it'd fail as well

  • So you use the same static IP on your router menu, and on RPi, right? In that case it could be a router problem, and your other network devices have the same problem.

  • So you use the same static IP on your router menu, and on RPi, right? In that case it could be a router problem, and your other network devices have the same problem.

    No the static IP is reserved manually on the router DHCP Server but even if I don't do this and manually set the IP on the RPI4 using an IP outside the DHCP Server range the same thing happens i.e. rpi4 requires a reboot

    If I was to reboot the router or just for a test remove the ethernet cable the RPI4 running LE12, and previous versions, the RPI4 does not refresh the network connection, whereas given the same scenario all other devices on the network do refresh their connections and are fine, I can see the other devices refresh happening within the router logs - nothing comes from RPI4 until a reboot; the RPI4 using manjaro for instance does refresh the connection

  • I got the same problem since upgrading to libreelec 12. My router is shutdown during the night. The pi4 looses the Ethernet connection and is unreachable. Gui gives input output error. Only reboot helps.

    This did not happen with libreelec 11.

    Hope this gets fixed soon, its very annoying.

  • Hope this gets fixed soon, its very annoying.

    Looks like isn't fixed till now. I have 3 RPi (1x RPi3B+ lan, 1x RPi3B wifi, 1x RPI4B lan) connected to my router, all with fixed IP. Yesterday I tried some settings in my router and after each router reboot, all the RPi with LE12 lost the connection and needs to be restarted. All devices using latest LE12 nightly... Somebody tried if the LE13 nightly have the same network bug (I will try in the next days, just to have time)?

  • I just installed LE 12/Omega (from download page) on a new Raspberry Pi 5. I can connect via a wired network, but that is not available in its intended location.

    I keep seeing the Invalid Key/ Input Output Error when trying to connect to my Netgear router -- immediately after OKing my passphrase. I've read through many of the discussions regarding this, some recommending files to create (for older versions) and some predicting fixes in nightly builds. So far, all I've done is update the EEprom firmware to the 4/24 version, and reboot ... a lot.

    Is there a nightly build that fixes this, or is creating the iwlwifi.conf file still the recommended solution?

    (I've been running Kodi for over a decade, currently Omega on Win11 ... with a wired connection!:o)

  • Looks like isn't fixed till now. I have 3 RPi (1x RPi3B+ lan, 1x RPi3B wifi, 1x RPI4B lan) connected to my router, all with fixed IP. Yesterday I tried some settings in my router and after each router reboot, all the RPi with LE12 lost the connection and needs to be restarted. All devices using latest LE12 nightly... Somebody tried if the LE13 nightly have the same network bug (I will try in the next days, just to have time)?

    Did you test le13? Im still looking for a solution

  • Did you test le13? Im still looking for a solution

    I tried... installed on a spare sd-card, start to make the settings, added few addons (TVheadend client, Audio-profiles, Aeon Nox skin) and got some strange things (bugs?), so I abandoned, maybe didn't ready for daily use yet (or I didn't had enough patience /shrug)...

  • 'cos I'm a wide awake kinda guy, I finally noticed the 12.0.1 release, and upon installation, my pass code was accepted without further ado. I guess that must've been within the scope of 'several small updates and fixes' - my thanks to whomever resolved that!