(Generic-Legacy x86) Google Chrome doesn't install. It says it downloads to 100% then it fails to extract

  • I'm not sure how to save logs if that would help. From what I can gather a past incident of this happening to someone they were using the Generic x86 version and it got fixed going to Generic-Legacy x86, which I'm already using as the Generic x86 one doesn't work (it never boots up after installation) for me.

    If it matters, it's on a laptop, MSI GL63 8RD.

  • How do you enter the terminal in LibreELEC?

    Option A: SSH login from another PC

    1. find the IP of your LE device by using your router menu
    2. open a terminal on another PC, and type ssh root@<IP_OF_YOUR_LE_DEVICE> to connect to your LE device
    3. use the default password "libreelec" to finish the login
    4. to end your SSH session, just use the "exit" command

    Option B: Use an LE terminal add-on

    1. download the "System Tools" add-on
    2. start the "Terminal" app
  • Option A: SSH login from another PC

    1. find the IP of your LE device by using your router menu
    2. open a terminal on another PC, and type ssh root@<IP_OF_YOUR_LE_DEVICE> to connect to your LE device
    3. use the default password "libreelec" to finish the login
    4. to end your SSH session, just use the "exit" command

    Option B: Use an LE terminal add-on

    1. download the "System Tools" add-on
    2. start the "Terminal" app

    I assume the swap file was made? cp /etc/swap.conf /storage/.config didn't return with anything indicating it did but there was no error either.

    How would I install Chrome manually? I see in that linked thread above mglae said to edit /storage/.kodi/addons/browser.chrome/bin/chrome-downloader but I'm not sure how?

  • I assume the swap file was made?

    The "free" command on terminal will show you the size of the swap file. If it's larger than 0, then you did it right.

    Rule of thumb for swap file size: double size of the hardware RAM.

  • The "free" command on terminal will show you the size of the swap file. If it's larger than 0, then you did it right.

    Rule of thumb for swap file size: double size of the hardware RAM.

    It just says 0s for the swap so I take it that it didn't do anything.

  • cp /etc/swap.conf /storage/.config didn't return with anything indicating it did but there was no error either.

    Did you read the instructions? You have to edit that file after copying it:

    nano /storage/.config/swap.conf

    Then reboot.

    I just realized your PC has 8GB of RAM, so I don't think 16GB swap (or more) will make a difference.

  • Did you read the instructions? You have to edit that file after copying it:

    nano /storage/.config/swap.conf

    Then reboot.

    I just realized your PC has 8GB of RAM, so I don't think 16GB swap (or more) will make a difference.

    I have 16GB of RAM actually. I didn't see anyone mentioning how to edit it (I did see Nano come up but I didn't know what that was). Editing the swap.conf worked perfectly, nano reports the proper >32GB swap file size :)

    As for the Google Chrome issue, nano /storage/.kodi/addons/browser.chrome/bin/chrome-downloader allows you to edit the CHROME_FILE to a more proper, updated source. It failed to extract the first time then installed properly afterwards. I'm on Chrome now.

  • Update to LE12 beta2, the Chrome add-on there was updated in the last week and "beta" is no less "stable" than 11.0.6.

    Addon updates for LE12 by heitbaum · Pull Request #8804 · LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv
    Addon updates for LE12 flirc_util: update to githash 653f706 and addon (1) audiodecoder.openmpt: update addon (8) mpd: update addon (1) libopenmpt: update to…

    NB: LE runs in well under 1GB RAM so swapfiles are not required (hence not created by default). All you achieved was increase the box boot time.

  • Oh queso, if someone else can confirm the 'issue' that I believe now exists with the Chrome ".deb" file download (executed via "curl" in the "chrome-downloader" script) in "/storage/.kodi/addons/browser.chrome/bin" installed by the "Chrome" addon..

    Apparently, Google has removed the "dl.google.com" directory paths and contents, forcing a 'web browser app' method of obtaining the installation files, no longer allowing specific selection of a version (or knowledge of what version is to be downloaded).

    Such that, I created a work-around in which I manually downloaded the 'latest' DEB linux version (via their website), copying it to a 'Configs' sub-directory on my LE unit (which I keep for all the 'manual' stuff I have to install) and modifying the "chrome-download" script to copy it into the 'temp' area where it expects the 'curl downloaded' file to be placed...

    It 'faked it out' quite well, and now have version 125.0.6422.141 installed...

    I haven't found any information on a 'new' direct-download site, which may mean that all updates will have to be performed 'manually' in the future...

    (Using LE 12.0 generic legacy X86_64)

    > diff chrome-downloader.orig chrome-downloader
    < CHROME_FILE="google-chrome-stable_109.0.5414.74-1_amd64.deb"
    > ##CHROME_FILE="google-chrome-stable_125.0.6422.141_amd64.deb"
    > CHROME_FILE="google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb"
    < echo "Downloading Chrome"
    > ##echo "Downloading Chrome"
    > ##rm -f ${CONTROL_FILE} ${DATA_FILE}
    > ##(
    > ##  curl -# -O -C - https://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/pool/main/g/google-chrome-stable/${CHROME_FILE} 2>${DATA_FILE}
    > ##  touch ${CONTROL_FILE}
    > ##) | \
    > ##  while [ : ]; do
    > ##    [ -f ${DATA_FILE} ] && prog="$(tr '\r' '\n' < ${DATA_FILE} | tail -n 1 | sed -r 's/^[# ]+/#/;s/^[^0-9]*//g')" || prog=
    > ##    kodi-send --action="Notification(Downloading Chrome,\"${prog:-0.0%}\",3000,${ICON})" >/dev/null
    > ##    [ -f ${CONTROL_FILE} ] && break
    > ##    sleep 4
    > ##  done
    > ##rm -f ${CONTROL_FILE} ${DATA_FILE}
    > ## Copy manually-downloaded chrome image to 'temp' directory:
    > cp -p ~/Configs/addons/${CHROME_FILE}  $ADDON_DIR/tmp_download/

  • With Chrome 109.0.5414.74 you are still using the LE11 addon.

    LE12 is at 123.0.6312.122 and still working.

    Manual force a repo update to get the correct LE12 addon(s).

    In addition you should consider increasing the "Wait on network" time in LE-Settings Addon to reliable get the repos updated after boot.