12 beta 1, no ethernet after reboot

  • To be honest, no idea. I had similar issues with my board too. Sometimes it worked better and sometimes worse. I would say timing issue is most likely (that can be adjusted), but it could also be improper ethernet PHY power up sequence which can cause some issues with proper operations. For that I would need oscilloscope to measure but I would need to borrow one.

    You can try if instead of rebooting, complete power off and then power on helps. That includes pulling out power cable. That way you can simulate first power on.

  • Well, if you put in SD card, then there should be no issue rebooting, even if eMMC image is intact. It should boot from SD card in any case.

    Just to be sure, you prepared fresh image? Not upgrade?

  • ok, well, the image in SD (12 beta) its just the image downloaded, nothing else. the installation in the eMMC is not, that was upgraded from 11.0.3 to 0.4 and now i have 0.5 (that i see has been removed from download site)

    since i started to test 12 beta, i saw that, normal reboot (from the kodi menu), next boot OPI3 runs from eMMC, so i though that was a "normal behaviour", for that reson i began to do a "system shutdown", power off-power on and this way it boots always from SD.

    edited later: intalling from diferent sd card (previous is kingston 16gb, now samsung 32gb), now it boots normally as you said, from sd with no power off-on cycle, however 3 boots needed to get network, last was power off-on included, im testing more boots cycles right now...

    Edited once, last by jordixPI3: add info (April 28, 2024 at 7:35 PM).

  • jordixPI3 I updated test image here: http://jernej.libreelec.tv/test/opi3-lts/ Please test.

    I tweaked RX delay on PHY and ethernet controller to be in sync with schematic and vendor kernel. It adds 450 ps delay in total, which may not seem much, but that's a lot when talking about gigabit ethernet. Additionally, I slightly tweaked reset timings, which will ensure PHY is properly powered up.

    In any case, my quick test showed that it works.

  • thanks a lot, rebooted 6-7 times with success so far, will keep testing but it seems to works.

    in addition, clearly it runs A LOT faster than beta 1 or 2, menu, loading/playing movies from sdd or hdd and well... internet conn. its now "lightspeed" installing my usual addons repos etc... its now crazy fast.


  • hi again, working with no issues, many boots performed till now with 100% sucess ethernet connection, no more fail so far.

    thank you all for your work.

    Edited once, last by jordixPI3 (May 1, 2024 at 9:40 AM).

  • yeah, thank you again, and i have to say that those freezes that happend randomly with previous releases, seems to be gone too (not even once ATM), at least in my case and as far as i ve used the device, so double improvement!

    one question, 12.0 release uploaded on wesnesday has ethernet issue fixed or will you launch new one?.

  • one question, 12.0 release uploaded on wesnesday has ethernet issue fixed or will you launch new one?.

    No, official LE12 release doesn't have this fix, but it will be in next point release. However, image that I uploaded is basically LE12 source + fix, so you can use it till point release.

  • hi there!, definitely this runs better than previous 11.x.x, faster no freezes after several hours working,no ethernet issue anymore (at least my previous 11.x.x versions was having ethernet connection failures sometimes), and sudden "external disk missing" not happend so far

    thank you again.