Reduce Uptime on my LE server to reduce wear & tear

  • My LE server (Dell Optiplex 7080 micro) runs 24x7 along with a bunch of usb-attached SSD drives.
    I was wondering if I could schedule automatic nightly "graceful" shutdown from the LE itself?
    I know, theoretically I can schedule the startup/shutdown from BIOS, but that would just kill the running LE instance - no?

  • SSD are not spinning.

    If your fans are power managed, they will run at reduced speed when extra cooling is not required.

    Computer hardware is more likely to experience extra wear and tear during power up than during 24x7 operation.

  • Thank you Tokul, I will probably let it continue to run 24x7, then clean and/or replace the CPU fan when needed.

    Just curious if LE can handle gracefully the PowerOff command scheduled from BIOS as opposed to 2-step shutdown from GUI?

  • Just curious if LE can handle gracefully the PowerOff command scheduled from BIOS as opposed to 2-step shutdown from GUI?

    Same as any operating system handles pulling the plug. You will be left with file systems that require file system check.

  • LE can/will shut itself down gracefully on most x86_64 hardware. The exceptions will be things with broken BIOS/firmware but IMHO those should be quite rare these days. You can schedule shutdown with cron or a systemd timer, and if the BIOS has an RTC/wake capability it can also be (re)woken on schedule too; or you need to look at sending WOL magic packets to the NIC from something else in the network (assuming the NICs support WOL, which these days most do).

  • Just to add a suboptimal idea, if you need a workaround just power down the LAN at LE with cron and enable LAN with cron at some timeframe :)

    Or close kodi with systemctl stop kodi and after some time start it again