Downgrade LibreELEC

  • Thanks for the you tube link just one last thing after downloading a file from libreelec should I unpack the file or put the whole folder on,I know it sounds daft but something has stopped it working before so I'm just making sure, thanks again.

  • Still trying to put a file on my box ,I tried win32 usb writer and it go to last 3% and stopped I used etcher and it wrote the whole file but when I put usb in box and re booted it didn't copy to box so like I said I wanted to to learn to SSH to try that method but at same time I wanted to make sure the whole thing was going on usb hence my question do you extract the whole download file and put it on or extract the files from the download and put the individual items like kernel ect tht you see when the file is opened up,I just want to make sure this time,I said i was a bit not computer savvy,thanks.

  • Yes, but what kind of file? .. media file, update file, backup file? - they are all different and have different workflows.

    NB: If you are still trying to downgrade the easiest option will be to go into LE settings > Updates. Change from auto to manual update mode. Select the LE major version to use. Select the specific release listed. Hit enter to start the update. Once you updated (to the older release) go into settings and do a hard reset of settings; this resets Kodi to a fresh install state do you clear all config and add-on related things from the previous (newer) version.

  • Thanks yes that's what I want to do I always have it on manual update but on major versions it's libr elec 11.0 and have 11.4 on box but not happy with it so want to go back some version and now am back where i started explaining.its a update file I'm trying to put on with a older version.

  • Five options:

    a) Copy the file old release file (.img.gz, .img, or .tar) to the Update SMB share on the box and reboot

    b) Use an SFTP client to copy it to /storage/.update, then reboot

    c) SSH in, change directory (cd) to /storage/.update and then wget the file, then reboot

    d) Use the manual update function to change to an older release series and select an older version, then reboot.

    e) Create new install media using the older .img.gz file and clean-install using that.

    Unless you did 'E' once you're on the old release, do a hard reset in LE settings to remove all traces of newer versions.

    All of the above are documented in the wiki .. and I'm done with the spoon feeding.

  • Hi Chewitt I know your getting fed up of all my questions but could you just clarify,I have done hard reset on more than one occasion but even on manual update the only option I get is to stay with the latest version I can't see anything to go to older version's also you stated that that if I had hit E once I would be on a old version what did hitting E mean please,I have looked for Wikki on these subjects but couldn't find any, thanks for now.

  • If you did clean reinstall (option e in a list - not a keyboard press/hotkey) there is no need to do a hard reset. Everything else would benefit from one. You need to change the "Update channel" to see older releases.

  • Hi Chewitt the only option in update channel is 11.0 or 12.0 there is no option to go down a version?.

    Update option doesn't allow you to downgrade through major will let you downgrade from ex 11.0.2 to 11.0.1 but not to 10.0.1 hence I mentioned the .nocompat least that how it is on ll have to do it manually..

  • Hi Mario77 thanks for chipping in,it was probably LE 10.0.0

    did you manage to get ssh to work?

    le 9.2.6 + kodi 18.9 that s the one you downloaded..

    Try to connect to your box with putty...

    Then run these 3 commands...

    wget -O /storage/.update/LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-9.2.6.img.gz ""

    touch /storage/.update/.nocompat


    Edited once, last by Mario77: Merged a post created by Mario77 into this post. (March 21, 2024 at 6:14 AM).

  • Hi Mario77 no i haven't tried I was looking for a more simple solution like the manual option but up to now hasn't worked there is something I'm missing,I mean when I boot up with my usb in box I can see the libreelec file in file manager but I don't get any options to copy,I sometimes wonder if it's my remote it's just a media center remote and not a keyboard and doesn't have same functions.