CLI quotes handled wrong

  • Hi,

    LibreElec 11.06 with RI3B

    When using the CLI and using the "cd" command. Directory names are wrongly completed when using the tab icw quotes.

    fe the path is :
    ~/music/Prince - Xenophobia (2003)

    When typing the following:
    cd "~/music/Prince - X<tab>

    Is is being completed with as:
    cd "/storage/music/Prince - Xenophobia\ \(2003\)/"

    which results in:
    -sh: cd: can't cd to /storage/music/Prince - Xenophobia\ \(2003\)/: No such file or directory

    When typing the following:
    cd "/storage/music/Prince - Xenophobia (2003)"

    Resulting, correct:
    hostname:~/music/Prince - Xenophobia (2003)

    Is this a minor bug?

  • Busybox ash is not as feature complete as bash.

    cd /storage/music/Prince\ -\ Xenophobia\ \(2003\)/ will work, Omit the quote when using tab completion.