Testing a 12.0 nightly generic

  • I am currently running 11.0.6 Generic on 2 different Intel NUCs. I would like to test the latest 12.0 nightly. Can I revert back to 11.0.6 without any issues after I am done testing?

  • The OS and Kodi itself downgrade fine, but add-ons do not auto-revert to earlier versions and this may/will cause issues, so I would stop Kodi, copy the contents of /storage/.kodi to /storage/.kodi-backup then update. Then if you later choose to go back, stop Kodi, delete /storage/.kodi, rename the backup folder to /storage/.kodi and restart .. and you're back to where you started. If you choose to stick with LE12 (which is nearing an official beta..) just delete the backup folder. I've been running nightlies (albeit my own builds not official ones) since last summer with no problems.

  • For a test without changing your installation create an install stick and use the run option at boot.

    You can even import a LE system backup of your 11.0.6 installation on the stick.

    Whatever you do, a system backup of the working system is always recommended.