IPv6 troubles / how to disable

  • A Pi 4 here running LE11 doesn't play nicely on an IPv6 enabled LAN. Videostreams have problems playing smoothly and when I check Wireshark on my laptop I see tons of neighbor solicitations coming from the Pi (about one per second). This in turn causes the router to respond with lots of advertisements which can't be good for the network in general. Router advertisements should only occur every 10 minutes or so when no new clients enter the network.

    I don't know about the status of IPv6 in LE. I can't find lots of inquiries on this topic so I decided to just disable IPv6 in LE altogether. I ran echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1" >/storage/.config/sysctl.d/ipv6.conf in a terminal but it doesn't seem to have any effect. The Pi keeps producing these solicitations. How can IPv6 be disabled in LE11?