Upgrade from LibreElec 10.0.4 on RPi4 to 12.? on RPi5

  • As and when the RPi5 ships, I'd like to upgrade to that from my RPi4.

    Is there a way I can transfer all the settings and media catalogs to the new system which will be running version 12?

    I don't really want to have to reconfigure everything that has been done to the old RPi4 based system (if I could even remember what was done - I've had it for some years now).

    Thanks, David

  • As and when the RPi5 ships, I'd like to upgrade to that from my RPi4.

    Is there a way I can transfer all the settings and media catalogs to the new system which will be running version 12?

    I don't really want to have to reconfigure everything that has been done to the old RPi4 based system (if I could even remember what was done - I've had it for some years now).

    Thanks, David

    Take a backup fromRpi4 and restore on the RPi5 and wish for the best..

  • "It depends" on how much customisation you've done as the backup function only back's up the /storage/{.cache|.config|.kodi} folders, so if you dumped other things elsewhere on /storage they will be missed.

    If you manually wget the RPi5 update file to /storage/.update and then "touch /storage/.update/.nocompat" to disable the checks we do to prevent wrong-image updates you can reboot to update the RPi4 to the RPi5 image. The first stage of update (changing files) will work. The second stage (booting) will probably fail as the RPi5 kernel will have RPi4 things missing. At that point or when the board shuts down to reboot, pull the power, move the card to the RPi5 and power on. Take a backup first and move it somewhere safe, in case somthing goes wrong.