Remote database lost since upgrade

  • Hello
    I've had a problem since today following the update to "NIGHTY BUILD". I've lost access to my database stored on my NAS, but everything else is working perfectly: weather, radios... However, at the end of the update, my databases were converted and in MYPHPADMIN I have two music databases (MyMusic82 and MyMusic83) and two video databases (MyVideos121 and MyVideos128). I assume that the old and new databases coexist. By dint of some manipulations I have access to the list of my files, but if I click to start playback LIBREELEC crashes and freezes, then reboots on the logo and remains stuck there. I've tried switching back to the local database and everything works fine, but I'd like to stay with the remote database!

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  • I have just tried to delete databases 83 and 128. On restart, I got the database migration message (without warning or error), but it still doesn't work. It's annoying if every time I do a big update I have to start again with an empty database. Aren't there any tools to check/repair newly created databases?

  • Correction: the new music database works (I thought I'd tested it and it didn't work, but today it's ok, but the problem persists for the video database!
    For information, the music table went from 896 Kio 1871 rows to 1.9 Mio 1871 rows after conversion, the video table went from 3.5 Mio 60231 rows to 21 Mio 60752 rows after conversion.

  • Your first log indicates a connection issue to your SQL database, which if I am reading this right is on the same machine. That would seem to suggest a problem with your network configuration (perhaps the netmask is wrong?). You might want to go into LE settings and make sure Wait for network connection is enabled, as that may be a contributor to that error.

    The 2nd one is either a DB issue or the 121 database is too old to upgrade (not sure if anyone has tested upgrades from 121 to 128, maybe it works and it's a unique to you problem). The error is with this SQL:

    2024-01-08 21:27:20.916 T:1266 error <general>: SQL: [MyVideos128] Undefined MySQL error: Code (1050)
    Query: CREATE TABLE videoversiontype (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY auto_increment , name TEXT, owner INTEGER) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci

    You can try to run that create statement in a mysql command line and see if it indicates anything more specific. Not seeing a lot of posts complaining about this, so it might be something unique to your setup, also suggest posting on Kodi forums for wider visibility. (1050 is Table already exists, btw).

    I just know I have MariaDB on a separate host (my NAS), and I have done many upgrades over the years and never really had a problem with it. Probably the biggest issue was the bump to MariaDB 10 there was a change with legacy password hashes/older client compatibility that required a setting change on the MariaDB side.

  • I assume that the network settings are correct, since the music database works perfectly. I've tested on an SD card with LibreElec 11.0.4 and both databases work, I've run their updates and cleanups. Then I deleted the 83 and 128 databases and relaunched LibeElec NIGHTY BUILD. The conversion was done but the problem persists: the music database works but the video database does not.
    I don't want to waste any more of your time, so I'm going to try to start again with a new database. I suppose it's enough to delete the MyVideos121 database?
    Do you have any advice on how to avoid this situation recurring in the future?
    Thanks again

  • You should check your network settings. You can find the option in the LibreELEC settings app, under Network, there is a setting "Wait for a network before starting Kodi".

  • It's already activated and I've tried increasing it to 20/30/40 but it doesn't change anything. I ended up deleting the Videos base and it's back to zero; Now it works fine.

  • Kodi did break MySQL more then one time with the update 21b2 ff.

    I rolled my community build back to a version that works for me. Any of my 240109 should do but not 240110.

    Or better use LE11 if you don't need 12.