Overscan issue since i think latest 11.03 update?

  • When booting my HTPC it displays various resolotions including 4k and then into kodi which is set at 1080, all good so far. But when i play 4k material it only shows the top left corner of the video which i guess is whats called overscan issues? Now ive gone into my Sony Android tv and tried changing the settings in there but they are disabled for some reason when playing 4k in Kodi.

    Anyone know / seen this before, what do?

  • Not exactly a GPU card; I'm running the iGPU of the Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7100U CPU using the Generic download. I'm really reluctant to do try a nightly because I have so many things running on this machine, docker apps etc etc that I'm afraid will break.

  • Not exactly a GPU card; I'm running the iGPU of the Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-7100U CPU using the Generic download. I'm really reluctant to do try a nightly because I have so many things running on this machine, docker apps etc etc that I'm afraid will break.

    Can you install Kodi on your machine as a test and compare behaviour between the two.

  • Ok i started with a 11.03 image first and guess what.. it works there.. which is annoying, guess i need to reinstall my installation to fix this?

    ps. ( i did go through the display settings and verified that they are the same)

  • when i play 4k material it only shows the top left corner of the video

    Is there anything like this in kodi.log when that happen?

    ERROR <general>: CDRMAtomic::DrmAtomicCommit - test commit failed: (Invalid argument) - falling back to last successful atomic request

  • I finally found time and effort and did the reinstall, and everything works fine and i can switch to 4k resolution 4096x2160p @ 60hz, and it covers the entire screen, great success! :thumbup:

    A little follow up question: when i play any material its displayed in the above resolution but the freq changes, what is exactly is happening, who handles the upscaling? My htpc? My Tv?

    If set to 1080p the info bar of my tv shows 1080p regardless of the input media! Has my media been downscaled all along? :-/

  • So if i understand this correctly: kodi upscales to the desktop resolution and the tv handles the rest?

    Can i verify it besides just counting pixels? :P

    edit: seems like the tv will upscale anything that isnt 4k and thats how you know, please correct me if im wrong

  • If you follow the recommendations in the wiki, the desktop is set to 1080p and Kodi scales media under 1080p to 1080p (easily done, and Kodi handles this well) and the TV scales 1080p to the native 4K panel resolution. If you play 4K media Kodi will switch to 4K for playback and the TV has nothing to do.

    NB: 3840 x 2160 modes should be used not 4096 x 2160, as these are better aligned to media dimensions. The 4096 modes will often result in black bars being visible.