Screen upside down. How to flip screen horizontally?º

  • Hello all.

    I have libreelec running with the official Raspberry Pi 7 inch screen, in a case. When it boots up the screen is upside down.

    How do you flip the screen horizontally ?

    I have seen many comments on having to edit /boot/config.txt, but I think that is not related to LibreElec.

    How can this be done in LibreElec ?

    Please do not tell me to turn the screen, it only goes in the case one way.

    Thanks. Mark.

  • Thanks Irusak

    I have followed instructions and added:

    display_rotate=2 # 180 degrees

    to the config.txt file. And indeed the screen is now inverted 180 degrees.

    ... But, the touch screen sensors are not inverted with the screen. Making the touch screen unusable.

    I initially had a problem finding the config file because I though I could SSH in to the raspberry pi and edit it. You cant. You have to take out the microSD card and mount it under another OS (I used Linux, and the config.txt was immediately visible).

    How can I invert the touch screen sensing to match the inverted screen ?

    Thanks. Mark.

  • From here:


    display_rotate isn't designed for the LCD, doesn't adjust touchscreen coordinates, and will also affect the HDMI display if you try to use both displays, so should be avoided if possible.

    I think what the correct display orientation is will be something not everyone will agree on. However if you prefer the other orientation then lcd_rotate=2 is the solution.

    I think you should try lcd_rotate=2 instead of display_rotate=2.

  • As mentioned in some other post, I have changed the display_rotate=2 for:


    And now all is working OK.

    I must mention that I still think my screen was assembled upside down, because the view angle from above is much better looking at the screen when correctly inserted inside the case and placed upside down, than when it is not upside down. It kind of ruins the experience, so I will start looking for a case or stand that allows me to invert the screen and put the lcd_rotate=0 (in its default setting).

    Thanks for all your help.

  • Hi,
    I had exactly the same problem with the official 7" touch screen. As I use it with the official case. There is only one way to insert the display into the case. And if you do so, the LibreElec image is upside down. When using lcd_rotate, display quality and view angle are much worse, as many have described already.
    I've read that it was in earlier versions of the pi's firmware where the orientation was hardcoded, which led to the described "feature" of an upside down image. In newer versions, the hardcoded rotation was taken out.
    Any chance to get this into current LibreElec in order to avoid having to use lcd_rotation?
    Best regards