I've got a niche DVB-C provider so I had to scan for muxes myself.
The official way is to use DVBSCAN which does not work as 1) it's not installed on LibreElec, 2) it always needs a muxes definition as input.
but: you can use W_SCAN to search for muxes.
- Just fetch the binary for your platform from debian repo
https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/dvb-apps --not sure if w_scan depends on this - shut down tvheadend, as it blocks the DVB devices.
- extract the deb (I used Ark), but should be tar.xz file... so just tar xf ...deb
- tar xf data.tar.xz
- export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:(absolute path to usr/lib) --not sure if w_scan depends on this, but dvbscan does
- cd usr/bin
- ./w_scan -f c --c for cable, t for DVB-T and s for DVB-S
does not find any muxes for me. why?